January 28, 2011
Fanart: Changmin and Myself
How do you all like it? As you can see, my adoration for Changmin may be a little out of hand... I drew this picture about a year and a half ago. Don't forget to credit me if you decide to take out! >_<
January 25, 2011
TVXQ Couplings~! Part 2
Continuing on...
6. YunJae - Yunho & Jaejoong
By far the most popular couple known to the fandom. Heck, even they know how popular it is. But they ask of you all to keep it clean. ^^;; I believe that it really became so popular when their mini-drama, "Dangerous Love" came out. You know...the one where Yunho was trying to be nice to Jaejoong, but Jaejoong took it the wrong way?
6. YunJae - Yunho & Jaejoong
By far the most popular couple known to the fandom. Heck, even they know how popular it is. But they ask of you all to keep it clean. ^^;; I believe that it really became so popular when their mini-drama, "Dangerous Love" came out. You know...the one where Yunho was trying to be nice to Jaejoong, but Jaejoong took it the wrong way?
TVXQ Couplings~! Part 1
When I started following TVXQ, I was quite suprised with all the rage about fans making couples out of the members. Now, I'm not really a big fan of it because some fans tend to take it a little too far to where anyone outside of the fandom could actually think that a member is gay. However, these days I do miss it. I'm sure you know a few of the names. You may even have one. I sure do~! :3 It may be because it is your bias paired with your second favorite member, or it may be because of how the two members act around each other. I had to break it into two parts so it would be easier. Let's take a look at the pairings, shall we?
Jaejoong's Birthday and "Paradise Ranch"
Greetings everyone! How've you been these past few days? :3 As of late, I've been a tad under the weather. But that's okay now. Today I come to you with two things: Jaejoong's birthday and "Paradise Ranch".
Jaejoong's Registered Birthday
Well, Jaejoong! We're here again on this special day: January 26th. You are now 25. Although it is not your real birthday, I'd still like to wish you a happy one. You know what, Jaejoong? You were actually the first one I was physically attracted to out of the 5. But then it switched to Changmin. But being second best isn't all that bad. Out of the 5, I do like your voice the best when it comes to singing. There are times where you are just hilarious! My mom and sister like to make fun of either certain parts of your singing...and your dancing. I'd still get a little jealous if you dated. But I'd be more okay with it when it comes to letting you go if you really loved her. It's really wonderful how you can cook really well. That makes for a great attribute to your future wife. Lately, because of your drinking and smoking, I've been a little concerned. I don't mind a small drink every now and then, but please don't drown yourself in your sorrows. :( I don't know how much you smoke, but I really hope you do quit soon. I will always try to make you laugh on Twitter (I ask you to play "Fatal Frame alot). If you can read my messages, I'd be very happy. I'd be even happier if you actually made a direct response to them. But how neat is it to have 2 birthdays in one year? :D I shall be posting again on your real birthday as well.
Jaejoong's Registered Birthday
Well, Jaejoong! We're here again on this special day: January 26th. You are now 25. Although it is not your real birthday, I'd still like to wish you a happy one. You know what, Jaejoong? You were actually the first one I was physically attracted to out of the 5. But then it switched to Changmin. But being second best isn't all that bad. Out of the 5, I do like your voice the best when it comes to singing. There are times where you are just hilarious! My mom and sister like to make fun of either certain parts of your singing...and your dancing. I'd still get a little jealous if you dated. But I'd be more okay with it when it comes to letting you go if you really loved her. It's really wonderful how you can cook really well. That makes for a great attribute to your future wife. Lately, because of your drinking and smoking, I've been a little concerned. I don't mind a small drink every now and then, but please don't drown yourself in your sorrows. :( I don't know how much you smoke, but I really hope you do quit soon. I will always try to make you laugh on Twitter (I ask you to play "Fatal Frame alot). If you can read my messages, I'd be very happy. I'd be even happier if you actually made a direct response to them. But how neat is it to have 2 birthdays in one year? :D I shall be posting again on your real birthday as well.
January 16, 2011
Changmin's Ray Magazine Interview...With a Twist! Part 2
As you had seen earlier, I had answered my questions for the 'Ray Magazine' interview with Chagnmin. Now lets' get to part 2, shall we?
26. Is there a specific style you like on girls (in terms of fashion)?
I like people who are versatile. It may be a little demanding of me (laughs), but wouldn't one also be able to project their own charm if one were to accept and experiment with different styles? Does throwing on what seems nice work?
27. Where would you go on a first date?
To the amusement park. Since I can't go myself, it's always been a dream of mine. I want to go on the rollercoaster, although of course, if she doesn't want to, I wouldn't force it on her. After all, we're meant to be enjoying the visit with one another. You know...the amusement part is quite noisy. I thought you didn't like noisy places *Changmin glances my way* I'll shut up then. <_< But if we do go, I wanna go to Six Flags. Oh, Lotte World is like Six Flags? Well then! :D
28. What could a girl do or say to make you happy?
I'd like her to all me. Even if I've already gone to bed, I'd like her to call telling me she's had a nightmare so that I know she trusts and depends on me. Aw, Oppa! That's sweet. But you never text me back when I tell you I had a nightmare. :x
29. How would you get over a heartbreak?
Ah this one is difficult. It takes me a really long time to get over heartbreaks. Over time, my hope will slip away and I'll lose faith in relationships, but it'll get better eventually. Well, if we ever get into a relationship, I shall try my best to keep from breaking your heart.
30. What has captured your interest recently?
Fishing! I'd like to go out to sea on a boat and do it properly. Once you're out there and you've cast your line… you won't get interrupted, it's time that belongs to you alone. I want to do that. Fishing? What the--? First it's boxing, then tennis, now fishing? Well, I'll leave you to that. ^^;
31. In your past relationships, did you dump the other person or were you the one being dumped?
I was dumped once. It was my first ever relationship. That time… it was just awful (laughs)! I was never dumped because I've been single all my live. ;_;
32. What do you think makes an ideal man?
Someone who pursues whatever he sees fit. A man who is determined to succeed and won't let anything come in his way. Even though he has no way of knowing whether or not he's walking down the correct path, he lives according to his own beliefs. Why does that sound like something you'd say? I think the ideal woman for any man would be someone who is kind, a hard worker, smart, a good homemaker, and doesn't think too lowly of herself. That's not me really (laugh).
33. Which actors do you admire?
Won Bin, Kimura Takuya and Kaneshiro Takeshi. I really don't know which ones I admire. Some are just really good.
34. Are there any particular directors you'd like to work with?
Director Yukisada Xun. I watch a lot of romance films like Love Story. Works where there is a strong yearning for love in a romantic film really leave a deep impression. So, Oppa...would you like to work with me in one of those romance scenes? *winkwink* Well, I'm no actress, so I can't tell you.
35. What movie have you watched recently that you really liked?
Inception. Also Won Bin's new Korean film ‘Ahjusshi’. It's a lot like ‘LION’, you'll hold high regard for it even if you're a man. 'Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs' and 'Ponyo'. Changmin said he couldn't watch 'Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs' because he'd get hungry. Go figure.
36. Movie that has left the deepest impression?
Brokeback Mountain. It's a wonderful love story. It does a good job of depicting the main characters' emotions. Good films are ones where the shifts and changes in the characters' feelings are well conveyed. Um...Oppa. That was a very controversial movie back in the day. I'm suprised you watched it when you said you weren't into that stuff. :o I hope fans don't get the wrong idea about you. ...You aren't gay for real, right? *evil glare from Changmin* Sorry! >_<
37. Most touching movie?
Gran Torino. It’s directed by Clint Eastwood. I once cried so hard that I gave myself a headache. There's also an Indian film called 'Black', it's also a real tearjerker. What's with all the movie questions? Hm...most touching movie? Well--WAIT A MINUTE!!! You cried, Oppa? :o And I wasn't there? Well, I can't think of a movie that made me cry. But there were a few.
26. Is there a specific style you like on girls (in terms of fashion)?
I like people who are versatile. It may be a little demanding of me (laughs), but wouldn't one also be able to project their own charm if one were to accept and experiment with different styles? Does throwing on what seems nice work?
27. Where would you go on a first date?
To the amusement park. Since I can't go myself, it's always been a dream of mine. I want to go on the rollercoaster, although of course, if she doesn't want to, I wouldn't force it on her. After all, we're meant to be enjoying the visit with one another. You know...the amusement part is quite noisy. I thought you didn't like noisy places *Changmin glances my way* I'll shut up then. <_< But if we do go, I wanna go to Six Flags. Oh, Lotte World is like Six Flags? Well then! :D
28. What could a girl do or say to make you happy?
I'd like her to all me. Even if I've already gone to bed, I'd like her to call telling me she's had a nightmare so that I know she trusts and depends on me. Aw, Oppa! That's sweet. But you never text me back when I tell you I had a nightmare. :x
29. How would you get over a heartbreak?
Ah this one is difficult. It takes me a really long time to get over heartbreaks. Over time, my hope will slip away and I'll lose faith in relationships, but it'll get better eventually. Well, if we ever get into a relationship, I shall try my best to keep from breaking your heart.
30. What has captured your interest recently?
Fishing! I'd like to go out to sea on a boat and do it properly. Once you're out there and you've cast your line… you won't get interrupted, it's time that belongs to you alone. I want to do that. Fishing? What the--? First it's boxing, then tennis, now fishing? Well, I'll leave you to that. ^^;
31. In your past relationships, did you dump the other person or were you the one being dumped?
I was dumped once. It was my first ever relationship. That time… it was just awful (laughs)! I was never dumped because I've been single all my live. ;_;
32. What do you think makes an ideal man?
Someone who pursues whatever he sees fit. A man who is determined to succeed and won't let anything come in his way. Even though he has no way of knowing whether or not he's walking down the correct path, he lives according to his own beliefs. Why does that sound like something you'd say? I think the ideal woman for any man would be someone who is kind, a hard worker, smart, a good homemaker, and doesn't think too lowly of herself. That's not me really (laugh).
33. Which actors do you admire?
Won Bin, Kimura Takuya and Kaneshiro Takeshi. I really don't know which ones I admire. Some are just really good.
34. Are there any particular directors you'd like to work with?
Director Yukisada Xun. I watch a lot of romance films like Love Story. Works where there is a strong yearning for love in a romantic film really leave a deep impression. So, Oppa...would you like to work with me in one of those romance scenes? *winkwink* Well, I'm no actress, so I can't tell you.
35. What movie have you watched recently that you really liked?
Inception. Also Won Bin's new Korean film ‘Ahjusshi’. It's a lot like ‘LION’, you'll hold high regard for it even if you're a man. 'Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs' and 'Ponyo'. Changmin said he couldn't watch 'Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs' because he'd get hungry. Go figure.
36. Movie that has left the deepest impression?
Brokeback Mountain. It's a wonderful love story. It does a good job of depicting the main characters' emotions. Good films are ones where the shifts and changes in the characters' feelings are well conveyed. Um...Oppa. That was a very controversial movie back in the day. I'm suprised you watched it when you said you weren't into that stuff. :o I hope fans don't get the wrong idea about you. ...You aren't gay for real, right? *evil glare from Changmin* Sorry! >_<
37. Most touching movie?
Gran Torino. It’s directed by Clint Eastwood. I once cried so hard that I gave myself a headache. There's also an Indian film called 'Black', it's also a real tearjerker. What's with all the movie questions? Hm...most touching movie? Well--WAIT A MINUTE!!! You cried, Oppa? :o And I wasn't there? Well, I can't think of a movie that made me cry. But there were a few.
January 15, 2011
Changmin's Ray Magazine Interview...With a Twist! Part 1
Hello everyone! I'm back again with another of Changmin's interviews...with a twist! :D This one comes from 'Ray Magazine' and is quite long. Thus I shall have to post it into two sections. As like before, red will be Changmins' answers and purple will be mine. Enjoy.

Seeing Triple

Today I come to you all with something that I found really eye-opening. I mean seriously, I was really amazed at this! Thanks to my sister, I found two other Asian celebrities that look like Changmin--or he looks like them to be more specific. You may already know who they are or don't really care, but that's okay! I'm sure you already know how Changmin looks, but just to be sure...
The first person who looks quite similar to him is...
January 13, 2011
Dear TVXQ...
Yes, all 5 of you! How are you feeling? I just wanted to ask why you are all acting the way you are. I know that this is a very difficult time. Especially with the final decision from the court so close. But don't you think you're acting a bit childish? Yunho and Changmin want to keep the name alive and JYJ seem to be wanting (and receiving) pity from fans. It's like you guys are silently pitting yourselves against each other. And believe me that is something that i never wanted you to do. There are times when I wonder if it was all for the money. Or was it something else? You know that the love of money is the root of all evil, right? I wish I could tell you all to forget the name TVXQ altogether. I'd still support you all even if you went solo. That'd just be more money out of my pocket, lol. But you don't have to worry about being forgotten. I'm sure by now that you will NEVER be forgotten in the Kpop industry. I only really wanted you to sing together as 5 since I missed all chances in the past. But now I think that I may have been one of the fans that only considered my own wants before yours. For that I am very sorry. I wanted you to be happy too. Fans can be quite picky, huh?
January 11, 2011
Maaya Needs Love Too...!
Since I've been talking about Kpop ever since I started this blog (with TVXQ being the dominate subject matter) I decided to talk about something from the Jpop scene. Yes, before I got into Kpop I was all about Japanese pop culture. You could say that it spawned from me acutally living in Japan when I was younger. But when I was living there, I didn't care for it much. It wasn't until I moved back to the U.S. that I became engrossed in it's music and more notably the anime. I've been a fan of anime for about 10 years, and slowly it seems to be fading. I still watch it and read manga from time to time. But it doesn't compare to how crazy I was for it back in the day. But just because I don't do it often doesn't mean I've totally lost interest. ^^;
Today I shall talk about one of my favorite singers of all time...in the female category. Actually I have many so there are times when it gets difficult to choose. It is mainly between Maaya Sakamoto and Utada Hikaru. And since my sister is a major fan of Utada (she owns the cds), I have deemed Maaya as my favorite. Her voice is so beautiful! And yet...not many people seem to know about her. :o If you've see 'Wolf's Rain', 'RahXephon', or 'Vision of Escaflowne' you have most likely heard her voice. Heck, if you've played the Japanese version of FFXIII then you have heard her because she voices for Lightning, the main character.
Today I shall talk about one of my favorite singers of all time...in the female category. Actually I have many so there are times when it gets difficult to choose. It is mainly between Maaya Sakamoto and Utada Hikaru. And since my sister is a major fan of Utada (she owns the cds), I have deemed Maaya as my favorite. Her voice is so beautiful! And yet...not many people seem to know about her. :o If you've see 'Wolf's Rain', 'RahXephon', or 'Vision of Escaflowne' you have most likely heard her voice. Heck, if you've played the Japanese version of FFXIII then you have heard her because she voices for Lightning, the main character.
A Moment of Spazzing With Changmin! :D
I'm sure by now that everyone knows that I am Changmin biased when it comes to who my favorite member is in TVXQ, right? If you didn't...SUPRISE!!!!! Lately, I've been seeing that there is an increase in Changmin biased fans since 'MIROTIC'. I'm quite intrigued by this because it means that there is more competition that I have to face. >:D I'm not really sure what attracted me to the guy really. According to astrology our relationship would be a living hell. Leo/Aqarius pairings apparently don't get along too well. ^^; But I'm willing to make things work if it were him. I hope he'd do the same.
Now...I'm sure all you fans out there know about the drama he's starring in? 'Paradise Ranch'? How long have we been waiting? Half a year? Well, it finally got a set date on SBS (still wish it was KBS >.>). It will be airing on Mondays and Tuesdays beginning on January 24th at 8:50pm. Sadly, I'll be watching this drama from the uncomfortable position of my computer rather that on my couch like I did for 'Sungkyunkwan Scandal'. Not only has it got a set date, but two days ago, some very intriguing pictures were released and they were coincidentally named "The First Night" (or something to that effect)...
Now...I'm sure all you fans out there know about the drama he's starring in? 'Paradise Ranch'? How long have we been waiting? Half a year? Well, it finally got a set date on SBS (still wish it was KBS >.>). It will be airing on Mondays and Tuesdays beginning on January 24th at 8:50pm. Sadly, I'll be watching this drama from the uncomfortable position of my computer rather that on my couch like I did for 'Sungkyunkwan Scandal'. Not only has it got a set date, but two days ago, some very intriguing pictures were released and they were coincidentally named "The First Night" (or something to that effect)...
January 9, 2011
Changmin's SWAK Interview...With a Twist!
Hello everyone! How are you doing today? Despite all the really bad news surrounding my ever favorite group, I thought I'd take a break from all the sadness and depression by doing something fun. I have decided to use the interview Changmin (my lover boy =^^=) did for SWAK Magazine back in September. I don't mind if you laugh out loud at my answers though. Imagine it is me and Changmin being interviewed at the same time. >_< His answers will be in red and mine will be in purple. Note: The interview may be out of order from the original. I'm sorry for the inconveniece.
January 7, 2011
What a Nightmare! O.o
Hm, so it seems now that other artists under SM have gotten involved in this as well. I don't know why they decide to all gang up on Junsu for his tweet. They say it was wrong for him to say what he said under the assumpiton that Junsu was referring to Yunho. They say things along the line of: "Why say such a thing after all we've been through?" Now, from what I'm getting, it seems that there is something about Koreans. They seem to be EXTREMELY emotional, and tend to take things overboard. Not to say that there are others who don't do that either. But to have almost all the artists--the ones whom you have hung out with for years--to turn on you on the flip of a dime just because you're not in the company anymore? :o And some fans did bring up a good point: "What about Hangeng? Why didn't they do this stuff to him?"
January 6, 2011
Quite a Bit of Drama These Days...
Okay, first off, two days ago I had gotten home from going out. I step into my room to find my poster of Tohoshinki missing from its spot over my bed. It had somehow fell off. o.O It was eerie. Now...today was really...@_@ (again). As usual, it was drama for my dearly beloved bias group, TVXQ. One member, Junsu, tweeted earlier today stating how sad he was. I didn't really read the tweets, but others translated it and say that it was directed to Yunho. They also say that it may be because of the 'Thank You's" that the two memebers remaining in SM had released. First, I'd like to assume that this means that Junsu bought the album. :3 But if it was related to Yunho, then I can kind of see why he would be upset. I mean if I was part of a group in this situation, I would be a bit upset too...even if we are separated. But this could also be towards someone else. ^^; Whatever the reason, Junsu got grilled for it. Most said that he was too outspoken with his words. I'm okay with it. It is way better for the members to speak their minds than to bottle it in. I just wish fans wouldn't overreact to it. Kinda reminds me of the time I read an article back in the day about Super Junior's Donghae. Fans were messing with him so much that he snapped a bit and said something along the lines of "Get the f*** away". Fans got upset at him, so he had to apologize. Well, maybe that wasn't the right way to say, but it showed me that fans can sometimes really drive these artists up the wall. I hate to say it, but it's mainly their home-based fans that seem to do it the most.
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