This February just keeps continuing to be bad. Between controversies, rumors, and racism in Kpop alone, you'd think I'd be done with it all. But, I'm not. Sure, this genre comes with ALOT of drama but I'd have to say that would be because of netizens and the fandoms themselves. And with fans that are getting younger by the day, you have that sense of annoyance that older fans may feel. Some even threaten to leave Kpop because it gets to be too much. But then that makes me feel sad becuase then I'd lose more spazzing friends, and it'd be weird to bring up Kpop to them when they're not interested anymore. :x
One instance that would be a controversey involves Block B and their interview in Thailand. In short, they said a few things that got out of hand, made some netizens (and a few other celebs) a little mad, got bashed pretty hard, and the bashers then got bashed harder. That's kind of how the cycle seems to go with these things as I continue in this fandom. To be honest, it wasn't like this when I was just into anime. But then again, back in those days we didn't have Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube. So, maybe people get more and more angry with each other because of these social networks and the comments that differ so much from their own opinons? I think that's what happens to me sometimes. Man...being a celebrity in either Kpop or Jpop (maybe other places as well) is REALLY troublesome. This is why I really do hope that people will really reconsider becoming one in the future.
February 24, 2012
February 18, 2012
With only a few minutes left before the day is officially over, I'd like to make a post to celebrate the birthday of my ultimate bias, Shim Changmin~! \(^o^)/
Now this picture is quite relavent because he's 24 (though Korean age puts him at 25).
It's hard to believe that it will almost have been five years since I've established him as my bias in anything fandom-related! The first pic I ever saw of him was this one:
Actually it had all five in it, and I admit that I would've gone for Jaejoong. But then my sister pointed out that Changmin and I were the same age. So after looking up more and more about him, I became very attached to him. I feel he fits my ideal so well...or that he's set the standard for my ideal man. I don't think there's ever been a guy I've liked so much that I'd go to the extent of imagining living the rest of my life with him as crazy as that sounds. Although there are times when I'm irked by some of the things he says or does, I still adore him and thank God for letting me at least see him (even if it's through a computer/television screen). Haha, as the years have gone by Changmin has gotten more handsome. I believe his part of the fanbase has grown larger as I find more and more Changmin-biased fans. This leaves me with more competition. OTL
But either way, I wish Changmin a Happy Birthday and hope he'll see many more. We are both getting old now. I hope he enjoyed his presents and various cakes--even the one that ended up on his face. I know he said that he'll work hard for us fans, but I believe he's already doing a fantastic job (as are the other members) and the last thing I'd want is for him to overwork himself. As long as he remains heathly and in his right mind, I'm good. I just wish I could see him in real life (preferably while he's still single...) I know that this was a pretty crappy birthday message, but I can't really find any way to express how much I like this man! That, and many other fans have said heartfelt things. ^^;;
February 10, 2012
And Recovering Butthurt Fan Says...
Oookkkaaayyy~ So the rumor about Jin and Meisa turned out to be true. OTL Will I live? I'm very certain I will. I am glad that he is doing the right thing (if she truly is pregnant). It's just really...surreal to say the least. I'd still support him of course. If I see his album in a store around here, I'll most likely buy it. was a 'speedy-relationship-made-only-in-my-mind' that Jin and I had, mainly after I got a good look at his AnAn shots. ^^;; I'm quite shallow, I know.... m(._.)m Anywhoo, if any of you were concerned about my mental stability, I'm getting to feel alright about it. You know, try to wish them some happiness. It's not like I can do anything except complain how it wasn't me. XD However, if it were Changmin or Junnosuke, that would TOTALLY be a different story! I'd throw a huge fit! I'm not even going to lie about that. Then I'd get told to get over it and probably not have much--if any--sympathy from anyone because of the massively huge fit I'd throw.
To be honest, I'd really like it if a celebrity would go public with their relationship. But I understand that they're worried that fans will either stop supporting them or threaten their girlfriend/boyfriend. In my opinion, it's best for me to know early so that (if I did like the celebrity alot) I'd know that they're off my list of dateable men. Sounds pretty absurd, huh? Of course I like them for their talents too, but you know...'the heart wants what the heart wants' and all that jazz. And I feel I could still have a chance, you know. In fact, I think that is why so many people audition to become celebrities: so they can be close to their favorites. I guess I should become a celebrity or at least a staff member of their team. -_- And I do remember when the ones we liked were just fans of other celebs too. I now know how you felt when your favorite actress got married, Changmin. u_u
I guess it's safe to say that this week was a really suprising week both in my fangirl and my real life. From engagements to a marriage to Changmin checking out ladies in bikinis to an ex-girlfriend blackmailing a Kpop star to everyone thinking it was Yoochun to it not being Yoochun to whatever else crazy happened this week. I really hope that the rest of the year will not be like this. It really hasn't been so good of a start at all. Let's keep hoping things will get better~! Peace! I apologize once again for this post being full of drabble from a recovering, kind-of-butthurt fan.
To be honest, I'd really like it if a celebrity would go public with their relationship. But I understand that they're worried that fans will either stop supporting them or threaten their girlfriend/boyfriend. In my opinion, it's best for me to know early so that (if I did like the celebrity alot) I'd know that they're off my list of dateable men. Sounds pretty absurd, huh? Of course I like them for their talents too, but you know...'the heart wants what the heart wants' and all that jazz. And I feel I could still have a chance, you know. In fact, I think that is why so many people audition to become celebrities: so they can be close to their favorites. I guess I should become a celebrity or at least a staff member of their team. -_- And I do remember when the ones we liked were just fans of other celebs too. I now know how you felt when your favorite actress got married, Changmin. u_u
I guess it's safe to say that this week was a really suprising week both in my fangirl and my real life. From engagements to a marriage to Changmin checking out ladies in bikinis to an ex-girlfriend blackmailing a Kpop star to everyone thinking it was Yoochun to it not being Yoochun to whatever else crazy happened this week. I really hope that the rest of the year will not be like this. It really hasn't been so good of a start at all. Let's keep hoping things will get better~! Peace! I apologize once again for this post being full of drabble from a recovering, kind-of-butthurt fan.
February 8, 2012
Being A Butthurt Fan Really Sucks: I'm Really Tool Old To Be Doing Stuff Like This
I'm going to be butthurt for a moment on this post. Today, it was said that Akanishi Jin (former member of KAT-TUN, and my 2nd favorite from said group) was to marry a celebrity named Kuroki Meisa. I've heard her name before. :o But that's not all! She's also said to be pregnant. This came as quite a shock to me. Am I upset? Yeah, I'll say it. Can I do anything about it? Other than complaining and the likes, no I cannot. Besides, I'm wa~ay too far away from any of my favorite celebrities to do anything. And I can't just go and troll her Twitter or whatever with messages of hate as much as this bugs me. You see, this comes after something happened in my real life involving someone I liked in the past that had happened recently. Not to mention that it reminds me of the scandal involving Junnosuke (my 1st favorite from KAT-TUN) being in a relationship with a 'gravure' model. On top of that, I read that Changmin was taking pics with ladies in bikinis and that just adds on to my fangirl flames. OTL
I suppose reactions like this from crazed fans makes other people who are casual fans really annoyed. Most of the time, they'd say to "get over it" or "they can date whoever they want" or stuff like that. I believe I had said stuff like this before. ^^;; I know that there is truth to this, and that they say they're human...but so are fans. :o I also know that even if I did manage to date a celebrity and suffer massive bashing for it, I think I might still be able to hold out. ._. I guess that sounds a little contradicting since I'm complaining right now. However, it seems the only way for me to actually meet my goal of seeing any of them is to either become someone famous or work as a staff member for them. OTL How did that lady marry her favorite actor? (I can't remember if she married Tom Cruise or some other famous guy).
So, I'm pretty sure that if any of the celebrities I talk about on this blog or any famous news places from Asia read my blogs, they may be like "Dang...she's one crazy-@$$ chick!" and maybe try to avoid me if they ever saw me. But I assure you, I'm still sane and just crazy 60% of the time. I always tell myself that if I just happen to see them in real life (preferably when they're single) I can get over them when stuff like this happens. I guess I'm more shocked at how fast this happened and how she's the same age as I am. :x But since I've yet to hear anything from either Akanishi or Meisa, I'm now wondering if it is true at all. *crosses fingers in hopes that it is false* Okay, I should stop being mean. ^^;; I guess I should go back to liking only anime guys (I never was interested in any male celebs like I am now)...but that is like taking a step backwards. Eh...I'll just stop right here with this post. I aplolgize if I wasted your time with this drabble.
Peace out~!
I suppose reactions like this from crazed fans makes other people who are casual fans really annoyed. Most of the time, they'd say to "get over it" or "they can date whoever they want" or stuff like that. I believe I had said stuff like this before. ^^;; I know that there is truth to this, and that they say they're human...but so are fans. :o I also know that even if I did manage to date a celebrity and suffer massive bashing for it, I think I might still be able to hold out. ._. I guess that sounds a little contradicting since I'm complaining right now. However, it seems the only way for me to actually meet my goal of seeing any of them is to either become someone famous or work as a staff member for them. OTL How did that lady marry her favorite actor? (I can't remember if she married Tom Cruise or some other famous guy).
So, I'm pretty sure that if any of the celebrities I talk about on this blog or any famous news places from Asia read my blogs, they may be like "Dang...she's one crazy-@$$ chick!" and maybe try to avoid me if they ever saw me. But I assure you, I'm still sane and just crazy 60% of the time. I always tell myself that if I just happen to see them in real life (preferably when they're single) I can get over them when stuff like this happens. I guess I'm more shocked at how fast this happened and how she's the same age as I am. :x But since I've yet to hear anything from either Akanishi or Meisa, I'm now wondering if it is true at all. *crosses fingers in hopes that it is false* Okay, I should stop being mean. ^^;; I guess I should go back to liking only anime guys (I never was interested in any male celebs like I am now)...but that is like taking a step backwards. Eh...I'll just stop right here with this post. I aplolgize if I wasted your time with this drabble.
Peace out~!
February 2, 2012
Do You Have To Do A Double Take?
Do you all remember when I posted Seeing Triple? Well, I'm back with more! XD Actually there are many, but I've decided to show ones that I think look similar. So lets's start with...

Kamnashi Kazuya of KAT-TUN and Lee Donghae of Super Junior. I know they don't look that much alike, but at first glance and in they way they pose for pictures, they could almost look similar. It would be especially so if Donghae plucked his eybrows in almost the same way as Kame's~! >_< Both are quite popular members of their respected groups. The cool thing is that they're both the same age and their names are related to the ocean (Kame=turtle, Donghae=East sea). Can you all see what I'm talking about?
Up next...
Changmin = Peach
I know the title of this post is a little weird, but it is for good reason. I just found out that Changmin is going to be casted in a Japanese movie! \(^o^)/ And his hame is Momo! Fans on my Twitter list were really spazzing about the name of his character. Now, some of you may be wondering why they'd be spazzing over his name. 'Momo' in Japanese means 'peach'.
Peaches are really tasty! I like peach soda too. XD But anyway, peaches are cute, right? They're sweet and fuzzy. Well, it kinda really doesn't fit Changmin if you all know how his personality is. Thus fans are really interested by the name of his character. I hope I made some sense. ^^;; Anyway, if you want to read more about his role and what the movie is essentially about, take a look at this link: Changmin's Role in Japanese Movie. Here is a pic of what his character may look like.
My goodness, he's so handsome~! >///< Can you see how excited I am? *o* But since it's in Japan, I won't be able to go to a theater to see it. I still wish him (as well as the rest of the actors) the best of luck! And I will eventually get to see it~!
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