E3 excitement
Earlier this week (and throughout it) was an event very important to video gamers everywhere. It's called the Electronic Entartainment Event or E3. For those who are unaware, it is a yearly event showcasing the latest in video gaming. Monday and Tuesday were the press conference days for all the consoles and major production companies like Ubisoft and such. This year, I decided to try and watch as much as I could. Many of the games weren't my forte' (too many 'M' games), but I'm sure that many were excited to see trailers for long-awaited games as well as some gameplay. The conference I looked forward to the most was PlayStation and Nintendo's, but I missed out on the latter. And, as usal, I am always eager to see what Sqare Enix brings to the table...but I missed out on their presentation! OTL Maybe next year I'll manage to watch the everyone's conferences.
How bizarre...
I started playing an otome (Japanese "dating" game) a few days ago, and managed to finish it just recently. It is called 'Hakuouki' (various spelling is 'Hakuoki') and there are various games in the series. It also has an anime which I watched before playing the game. It is loosely based off of the famous Shinsengumi in Japan, and is quite popular.
credit: Otome Junkie |
Captain of the 8th division of the Shinsengumi as well as the youngest...he's just so adorable. And when he get's his hair cut (as shown below)...whew! =^__^=

I really did enjoy going his route in the game--after a few "difficulties". Lately, it's been him and Son Goku of 'Gensoumaden Saiyuki' that I've been quite interested in these days. I suppose I really would like to draw them with an original character of mine that I tend to stylize for that character. I'm notorious for that. XD Anyway, I recommend you checking out the anime or the video games if you're into a little romance. Goodness, I'm curious as to what the other guys' routes are like in the game. Time to find out, I suppose.
Well, that is all for the day. Until next time~! ^__^