I've been posting this on pretty much all the social networks I'm a part of, so here it goes...
As 2012 comes to a close, I'd like to give thanks to everyone who has talked/spazzed with me or has made this year generally a fun one. I know that I don't talk or get out much, and the subjects I do talk about are mostly anime, Kpop, and Jpop. But regardless, I say "Thank you". And for the people who haven't talked to me...well, there's always 2013. ^^ Until then, peace out~!
December 31, 2012
December 26, 2012
Happy 9th Anniversary~!
From my Tumblr....
Ah...December 26, 2003...I can't believe it's been nine years since their debut. From then until now, TVXQ has been through so much. Though the group has gone through alot within that time, they’re still one of the most well known—and that’s just not about the group itself, but each member.
I really wish I could’ve become a fan much earlier so that I could’ve experienced all the great stuff pre-lawsuit. But ever since I became a fan, I’ve enjoyed watching how much each member has grown—physically, mentally, and in their careers. Not only are they singers, but actors and sometimes emcees as well. A few members have even starred in musicals, and there are times where they become representatives of certain things in Korea. And they even managed to become super popular in Japan, which was really difficult to get into for any act that isn’t native to the country. Really, I would say that they are becoming ’jack-of-all-trades’ entertainers.
Though the fandom is a little broken and can be quite crazy, there is one good point about Cassiopeia: they are one of the most dedicated fandoms I’ve seen. And while numbers may be dwindling among the fans, they still manage to make TVXQ one of the top Kpop groups and have their name known almost throughout the world. And the members do frequently show their gratitude for that…even though there are times when I think we, as fans, don’t deserve that kind of praise! TVXQ is simply one of the best groups and cannot be replaced as my bias group. While I may not show as much support these days as the average Cassie, it doesn’t mean I’ve stopped loving ’ma boys’. ^^
As for my selfish wish, I do hope to see them come back as five one day. Until then, I think I’ll be sticking with them for a little while longer. XD So once again, Happy 9th Anniversary, TVXQ~!
December 24, 2012
Merry Christmas...Mr. Lawrence~! ^o^
credit: Yuunie via Youtube
Not really Christmas-like...but the title of this song is: "Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence".
Ah~ Christmas is really in the air! And to commemorate that, I've decided to put together a Christmas playlist. Of course, it's not your average one... This one is comprised of Jpop and Kpop songs. Onward to the list! Disclaimer: the videos and pics in this post do not belong to me. Credit goes to their respective owners!
First...the whole album from TVXQ called 'The Christmas Gift from TVXQ"

It's such a nice album. Most of the songs are renditions of original Christmas classics like "Silent Night" or "Santa Claus is Coming to Town". And their voices makes is even better. If you want to hear some songs, click on the respective link:
- Jesus, Joy of Man's Desiring/Magic Castle
- The First Noel
- Santa Clause is Coming to Town
- Silent Night
- O Holy Night/HUG **
**HUG is not part of the album, but the video I could find had it on there as it is their debut performance**
That is just a few--probably majority--of the songs on the album.. But their voices would be so lovely to hear on Christamas...at least to me. ^^ I'd have to say my favorite songs from here would be "The First Noel", "Silent Night", and "O Holy Night".
Up next...
November 10, 2012
Extra, Extra! Read All About It! Scandal of the Year Maybe? o__O
Well...yesterday was quite a stir in the fandom world. If anything, it might end up being the scandal story of the year! What is it, you ask? It involves IU and Eunhyuk. If you want to see what that story is, click here. It's funny, but I was quite jealous as well as shocked about it...and he isn't even my bias in Super Junior. XD But it sort of hit pretty close to home because IU once did a wedding-themed photoshoot with Changmin quite a while ago and during one part they had her and him look into each other's eyes. Changin was really flustered by her staring at him, so he looked away in shyness, and after that some fans began supporting the IU/Changmin couple. Remember me posting about that? OTL I feel for the fans of either IU or Eunhyuk that are jealous of this, but at the same time it's not really nice to call him or her names. :/ It still irks me alittle when fans who are supportive of a rumored couple make fun of fans who are jelly. They'll say things like "At least he/she is getting some..." or "Your oppa doesn't know you, so what makes you think they'll date you?" I have a strong belief that it is possible--a slim chance, but still possible--so long as you make a really big effort to do it. This may not be so, but how would those same ones react if it was their own bias in a scandal like that? Sometimes I wonder if some of the idol girls (and maybe guys) tweet pics or do whatever other things to taunt fans by saying something like "Aw yeah! I got with this...and you didn't..." That would just be awful, wouldn't it? .___. I must say that despite the snide remarks of those fans though, I do envy fans who are truly happy with their 'oppars', 'unnirs', 'ichibans', etc. dating. I know I'd flip a lid if Changmin were in that kind of situation. It's already quite difficult when I think of Junnosuke still rumored to be dating that gravure model. ;___;
Maybe it's best if Kpop idols dated in secret as Changmin and many others advise. As a sidenote, Johnny's Entertainment in Japan sets up some rigid rules when it comes to dating so that things like this don't happen. But then that makes me even more curious! Sometimes I think that is why alot of girls (and guys) try their best to enter into showbiz in Korea (including foreigners)...not only for the want to fulfill a dream of singing, but to get closer and easily noticed by their favorites. Hey, it can happen, right? *sigh* The life of a fan who is VERY into her bias is such a sad one I guess. As one tweet from @TheLoveStories says: "When you love something or someone enough you will let it free to see the world to live their life and be free." I know it will be difficult for me to do just that. But still my fangirl heart hopes that at least I'll still have a chance! (ノಥДಥ)ノ︵┻━┻
Maybe it's best if Kpop idols dated in secret as Changmin and many others advise. As a sidenote, Johnny's Entertainment in Japan sets up some rigid rules when it comes to dating so that things like this don't happen. But then that makes me even more curious! Sometimes I think that is why alot of girls (and guys) try their best to enter into showbiz in Korea (including foreigners)...not only for the want to fulfill a dream of singing, but to get closer and easily noticed by their favorites. Hey, it can happen, right? *sigh* The life of a fan who is VERY into her bias is such a sad one I guess. As one tweet from @TheLoveStories says: "When you love something or someone enough you will let it free to see the world to live their life and be free." I know it will be difficult for me to do just that. But still my fangirl heart hopes that at least I'll still have a chance! (ノಥДಥ)ノ︵┻━┻
Ahaha~! Let me end this post here. :P I guess the moral of the story is that celebrities need to be very careful with what they post/tweet. Fans catch on quick. While this incident makes me a little jelly than what it should (because it doesn't involve any of my biases) it doesn't mean that I dislike IU or Eunhyuk. Let's just see how this plays out, shall we? Until next time~
October 31, 2012
How About That Fatal Frame?
First of all, I'd like to say HAPPY HALLOWEENN to you all. And what better way to do that than with the first installment of the 'Fatal Frame' series?
Credit: Wikipedia
This is the first of the four original games. Despite it saying 'based on a true story', it is not. ^^;; BUT the creator of the game got his inspiration based upon a real house in Japan that might be haunted. Anyway, the synopsis of this game is about a girl named Miku who is in search of her older brother, Mafuyu. He's been missing for a little over two weeks and the last she has heard is him going to a place called the Himura Mansion to figure out the disappearance of his own boss and a few other reporters. Will Miku ever find out what has happened to her lost brother? What about the secret behind the Himura Mansion? To find out, you'll have to play the game. XD Miku has the ability to sense ghosts, so it will be helpful when she enters the house. Once again, your weapon is the infamous Camera Obscura. This particular game is equally as scary, so it's just perfect for people hoping to get their blood pumping. This one is also for the Playstation 2, so if you have one, you're set! The original ending is quite sad, but isn't any Fatal Frame ending? Hopefully, you'll enjoy this game...if you ever decide to pick it up.
And so, I bid you adieu~! Peace out!
October 30, 2012
Storms and Ghosts
So yesterday, the east/northeastern coast of the U.S. was rocked by a hurricane-turned-superstorm named Sandy. She was basically a large storm that merged with a winter storm coming from the west and some arctic air from the north. She affected quite a few states that were more inland as well. I'm sure it was quite a catastrophic scene. While I hoped that noone would be hurt from this storm, I couldn't help but feel a little sad. Why? Because all over my Twitter list, I saw messages like "Our hearts go out to the victims in the path of this hurricane" and things like that. I did too...but I couldn't help feeling that Sandy and the northeast got so much more coverage than us down here in the south when we dealt with Isaac. Granted that the northeast isn't as structurally built for hurricanes as the south is, but gee wiz. My phone was blowing up with constant updates about Sandy (I follow various hurricane Twitter accounts) and it was to the point where my battery was going to die. However, I don't recall it being like that when we were going through Isaac. :/ Sometimes I wonder if we're a little forgotten down here. In terms of the fandom, I do remember tweeting about what was happening to me during the Isaac...but not many tweeted back about my status. I just chalked it up to the media not talking about him much. But with Sandy...they even talked about it on international news stations. I say this because I have a few Korean channels that I watch, so that is where my guess comes from. OTL A major Twitter account that I follow for TVXQ fans even tweeted out for the northeast coast. *sigh* I know I sound really salty and should not even have this attitude, but if you live down here for a good while and experience a gulf hurricane, then you'll know what I mean about media coverage when it comes to southern storms. People down here are still quite upset (and/or joking) about Mississippi being called "a 'landmass' between New Orleans and Alabama" or being called "refugees". .___. Other than that, I don't want it to sound like I don't care about what happened up there if that's what you're thiking. I'm not that kind of person, ya know. :x Anway, I believe the worst of it is over for the northeast, so now it is cleanup time which is never fun. Hopefully things will get back to normal for you all soon. From the gulf coast to the east/northeast coast...still wishing everyone affected the best~!
October 25, 2012
Fanciful Thoughts (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿)
First off, I'd like to say that yesterday I started playing 'Final Fantasy Dissidia' and 'Final Fantasy Dissidia 012' again after a while of not doing so, and ended up playing well into the wee hours of today. ^^ The game is quite fun, but it takes a long time to level up the characters. Ah...Final Fantasy (the whole series) is really great. I recommend any of the games to anyone who has never played them. I'm sure you'll get hooked. >:D Of course, the ones near and dear to me are Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy X. The reason for FFVII is because it was the first one I played by myself, and FFX because it was the first one we got. Each game has a great storyline and epic music. I think the downside for the games (especially newbie players) is the complex battle systems for some of them.
*sigh* It seems to be that time of year...the dreaded voting for the Mnet Asian Music Awards is underway. That means that many fans will try to promote others to voting for certain groups/artists. Sometimes they'll make multiple accounts to override the rule of one vote per day and make 'alliances' with other fanbases to secure certain votes. -___- I've seen this all happen last year. Fans will also get really upset if you choose not to vote. My apologies if I decide not to. Many of the artists I'd vote for probably wouldn't be what most fans I associate with would want me to vote for anyway. It's funny--it feels like with this voting thing, it's more about doing anything to get their artist to be #1 rather than really appreciating the reason why they were nominated for it. More or less, it's like a popularity contest rather than a music awards. Two prime examples would be TVXQ vs. SuJu and B.A.P. vs. EXO. I'll talk more on the B.A.P. vs. EXO. To me, I think B.A.P. should get the award for 'best newcomer--male group' because looking at all they've done in the past 9 months since their debut, I'd say it's a great feat. Yeah, EXO is good too, but I haven't heard much in their singing department since their last promotion. Of course, I'm not following either group as bad as I do some of the older genearations of Kpop, so you don't have to take my word for it.
*sigh* It seems to be that time of year...the dreaded voting for the Mnet Asian Music Awards is underway. That means that many fans will try to promote others to voting for certain groups/artists. Sometimes they'll make multiple accounts to override the rule of one vote per day and make 'alliances' with other fanbases to secure certain votes. -___- I've seen this all happen last year. Fans will also get really upset if you choose not to vote. My apologies if I decide not to. Many of the artists I'd vote for probably wouldn't be what most fans I associate with would want me to vote for anyway. It's funny--it feels like with this voting thing, it's more about doing anything to get their artist to be #1 rather than really appreciating the reason why they were nominated for it. More or less, it's like a popularity contest rather than a music awards. Two prime examples would be TVXQ vs. SuJu and B.A.P. vs. EXO. I'll talk more on the B.A.P. vs. EXO. To me, I think B.A.P. should get the award for 'best newcomer--male group' because looking at all they've done in the past 9 months since their debut, I'd say it's a great feat. Yeah, EXO is good too, but I haven't heard much in their singing department since their last promotion. Of course, I'm not following either group as bad as I do some of the older genearations of Kpop, so you don't have to take my word for it.
October 14, 2012
Since It's October...
Uwah~! I really love the autumn season! It happens to be my favorite: the leaves changing colors, cooler temperatures (even though I'm always complaining about it), and the start of the holidays. Out of the months that make up the fall season, I'd have to say that I have a liking for October. Now, this month is well known for Halloween (and sometimes Friday 13th). If you notice, alot of scary movies/video games tend to come out more often around October--at least that's what I'm seeing. And today, I'm going to introduce to you another video game that fits with the festivities of Halloween. It is...
credit: Wikipedia
This is the third installment in the series known as Project Zero. If you recall, I did a post on the second one which I tend to play alot more out of the three. Like the second one, Fatal Frame III is rated 'M' for blood and extremely scary moments. Shall I give you a synopsis? ^o^ It starts out with a woman named Rei regaining consciousness close to a ditch where her car had crashed into. She looks down into the ditch to see her dead boyfriend (Yu) in the car. Over the next few weeks she is really depressed, but she has to keep working. By the way......she's a photographer. Her assisstant is Miku--who is the main character for the first Fatal Frame--and while in an abandoned house that supposedly was haunted, Rei happens to see a man turn a corner. He looks like her deceased boyfriend, so she follows him. This leads her to her initial entrance into the Manor of Sleep. Why is it called that? You'll have to find out. The bulk of the game is played in this place, and the only way to enter is through her recurring nightmares of the place. Ghosts are once again the enemy, but this time it's not just in the Manor of Sleep that you'll see them...they'll be in her house too. o___o Once again the camera is your only source of defense. The original ending is quite saddening...that is all I can say. :( Overall, if you wanna get a couple of friends together on Halloween and have a good scare, 'Fatal Frame III: The Tormented' is the way to go~!
October 11, 2012
Fangirling: Where I Stand Right Now
Credit: keepcalmand.tumblr.com
Let's face it, over a period of time some fans tend to change their whole perspective on any situation in their fandom. I believe this has also happened to me. The question is if it's for the better...or the worst? .___. So, I've decided to post yet again on where I stand in fandom--at least I think I've posted about this before.
To put it simply it's come to a point where I've been considering actually leaving fandom. It doesn't mean I'll stop supporting the groups, but just not being a part of communities were many fans congegate. Some of the things some fans say or do when it comes to either other groups/soloists or even our own members seems to aggrivate me alot lately. Some instances include bashing other artists that I also like. :/ It'll be more like where I was when I began getting into many of the groups I know today. And I find it the only possible solution to keep myself from having this sense of bitterness towards any of the members (of TVXQ). The downside is that I'll probably miss out on some amazing stuff, and I'll probably miss the fans that I've befriended. However, things are becoming more and more upsetting to me as the days go on.
September 17, 2012
Fuu...I'm Such An Awful Fan... ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
Just a few moments ago, a teaser picture was released of a blindfolded Yunho with a yellow backdrop. My Twitter list (at least the Cassie part of it) went crazy in spazzing. Yunho and Changmin are going to be making a 'comeback' very soon--excuse me, a Korean comeback. Much like last time when they came back for "Keep Your Head Down", I'm probably one of the few that isn't really as hyped about it. Maybe it still has to do with this whole lawsuit looming over everyone's head. Maybe it has to do with me wanting to see them comeback as five more than anything else. I'm not sure why, but this feeling comes up whenever it's HoMin's comeback. Please do remember that it doesn't mean that I hate them, it's more like I'm just not able to move on and adjust to how things are with the members like other fans have. I'd have to say also that I'm starting to not be too earger for comebacks anymore (though I don't think I ever really was). Hey...it's not like they actually went anywhere, right? They were just doing other things. And that is all good with me. ^o^ So when fans were saying that they 'missed' seeing such-and-such, I was all like: "But they haven't gone anywhere. ^^;;" Now, I would understand if they were on hiatus for many months not doing anything.
There are many, many, MANY things I'd like to say to alot of fans (even to a few people I know, but that's a different matter altogether). Of course, I can never say anything because I'd probably get flamed/bashed for it. And I do want to remain good freinds with many people. .__. I might be able to hold my own in a debate, but at the same time I think I'm not so good at it. Sometimes I'll take things to heart or I'll probably keep going until I get the last word in. Though they say that silence is the best comeback, so if it comes to that, I'll try to bite my tongue. Hey, it's kind of like taking both sides into consideration and trying to be the better person, you know?
Well, I seemed to have gone off topic on that last part, but somehow I feel like it still fits. Anyhoo, to sum things up, I'm not too excited for HoMin's comeback as others are, comebacks are just 'eh' to me, and there is alot I'd want to say, but I'd rather hold my tongue in order to maintain peace. But despite all this, if you're still willing to call me a friend or fellow fan, then I thank you very much. :3
Peace out~!
There are many, many, MANY things I'd like to say to alot of fans (even to a few people I know, but that's a different matter altogether). Of course, I can never say anything because I'd probably get flamed/bashed for it. And I do want to remain good freinds with many people. .__. I might be able to hold my own in a debate, but at the same time I think I'm not so good at it. Sometimes I'll take things to heart or I'll probably keep going until I get the last word in. Though they say that silence is the best comeback, so if it comes to that, I'll try to bite my tongue. Hey, it's kind of like taking both sides into consideration and trying to be the better person, you know?
Well, I seemed to have gone off topic on that last part, but somehow I feel like it still fits. Anyhoo, to sum things up, I'm not too excited for HoMin's comeback as others are, comebacks are just 'eh' to me, and there is alot I'd want to say, but I'd rather hold my tongue in order to maintain peace. But despite all this, if you're still willing to call me a friend or fellow fan, then I thank you very much. :3
Peace out~!
September 12, 2012
How I Became A 'Multi-fan'
I bet there are a few of you wondering how I got into Asian music in the first place (and why I love it so much)? Well, I suppose I'll tell you! Hey...it's not another rant post. XD So let's begin!
Thinking about it, my lovbe for Asian music started when I was a younger child. I'd have to say my first contact was with a Japanese group called DREAMS COME TRUE when they sang 'Eternity' for the animated movie, 'The Swan Princess'. The song was in English, but I count it. ^^ There is a Japanese version called 'The Signs of Love' as well which sounds just a good. It still didn't quite get us into Japanese music though. Then, we moved to Japan and there was an anime series we would watch called 'Akazukin Cha-Cha'. The opening was catchy, so my sister and I would attempt to sing to it. This song is called 'Kimi Iro Omoi' and we later found out that it was a cover done by SMAP. It was about 1996 when we did this. So, now we were attempting to sing in Japanese. Over the course of time we watched a few anime that came to the U.S., so we did hear a few other anime songs--VERY few. But with the help of a website (that no longer works) we were able to open ourselves to other singers. 'Yubiwa' would have to be my very first Maaya Sakamoto song...and now she's my ultimate favorite Japanese songstress. 'First Love' and 'Hikari' helped to learn about Utada Hikaru. Actually, it was 'Simple & Clean' that got us into Utada because Kingdom Hearts was coming out. We thought it was just a regular American singing it at first, but we came to find out she is Japanese-American. This was around 2002. At the same time, we heard about GACKT with his song 'Seki Ray'. It was also on the website that is no longer around. Over time, we had started hearing more and more Jpop through anime and whatnot. Recently, I came back into Jpop (more like fangirling a group) with the aid of my Jpop bias group, KAT-TUN--first with 'Rescue' and then with 'Run for You'.
Thinking about it, my lovbe for Asian music started when I was a younger child. I'd have to say my first contact was with a Japanese group called DREAMS COME TRUE when they sang 'Eternity' for the animated movie, 'The Swan Princess'. The song was in English, but I count it. ^^ There is a Japanese version called 'The Signs of Love' as well which sounds just a good. It still didn't quite get us into Japanese music though. Then, we moved to Japan and there was an anime series we would watch called 'Akazukin Cha-Cha'. The opening was catchy, so my sister and I would attempt to sing to it. This song is called 'Kimi Iro Omoi' and we later found out that it was a cover done by SMAP. It was about 1996 when we did this. So, now we were attempting to sing in Japanese. Over the course of time we watched a few anime that came to the U.S., so we did hear a few other anime songs--VERY few. But with the help of a website (that no longer works) we were able to open ourselves to other singers. 'Yubiwa' would have to be my very first Maaya Sakamoto song...and now she's my ultimate favorite Japanese songstress. 'First Love' and 'Hikari' helped to learn about Utada Hikaru. Actually, it was 'Simple & Clean' that got us into Utada because Kingdom Hearts was coming out. We thought it was just a regular American singing it at first, but we came to find out she is Japanese-American. This was around 2002. At the same time, we heard about GACKT with his song 'Seki Ray'. It was also on the website that is no longer around. Over time, we had started hearing more and more Jpop through anime and whatnot. Recently, I came back into Jpop (more like fangirling a group) with the aid of my Jpop bias group, KAT-TUN--first with 'Rescue' and then with 'Run for You'.
Maaya Sakamoto,
Super Junior,
Another Rant Post
Gosh! It's been SO LONG since I've posted here in my blog. So much has gone on too! But I think I'll just touch on maybe three subjects that have been weighing on me...which may become rants. Yay! Another rant post! >__> I better post a fun one soon or I may bore many of you. Anyway, our first topic is:
1. "Oppa, Gangnam Style"~!
Yes, 'Gangnam Style' has become a very big hit here in the U.S. So much so that many celebs love it, he's got a contract under the same company as Beiber, and he's even been invited on various shows. Heck, his song even plays on the radio--and not just in the Northeast or the West, but in the South too. I'm really happy that PSY is doing so well in the U.S. Though it is a little bittersweet since other Jpop/Kpop artists have tried to break into the market and failed. But I do want PSY to succeed becuase it would then open a way for other Asian artists to become more known in the U.S. (and concerts could finally be held in my area). I think the reason because his song became so huge is because it doesn't give off that 'westernized' feel that other artists did when coming over here. Also, the U.S. seems to like funny things, so he fits the bill to some degree. I'd have to say that our population is quite picky with songs too. :/ I'm not quite sure why some people don't really like it because honestly, the beat sounds like it could be used in any song found here. And it's just as wacky as some of the other MVs found around. But I think that people aren't used to hearing Korean.
2. "Changmin, your hair!"
As of yesterday, pictures came out of Changmin and Yunho with a different hairdo. Yunho's looked nice, but Changmin's has stirred some complaints within the fandom. It's a short, mushroom-like cut that is dyed a light brown. Granted, it's probably not one of the styles I like, I'm not going to complain about it either. I'll just have to get used to seeing him with short hair again. I think another reason why I'm okay with it might be because Junnosuke is also sporting a hairstyle like that. It's just that his bangs are a little longer and it's two-tone colored (blonde on top and dark brown/black underneath). To me, that just means another 'connection' between my Kpop and Jpop biases! ^o^
3. "_____ doesn't sound that great compared to ______"
"I'm not going to that concert because _______ isn't gonna be there", "Only _______ is going to get my money", "__________'s songs aren't all that great as compared to ________". I've actually heard (more like read) these things on Twitter. Most of the time it's the Cassie part of my list that tends to say this about other groups, but I've also seen it out of other fandoms I follow. Even on Tumblr's 'confession' accounts (be it Jpop, Kpop, etc.) there can be harsh criticism coming from some fans. It's a little sad because I tend to be a fan of one group and the other group being criticized. Case and point: TVXQ and KAT-TUN. One time I was spamming about KAT-TUN, and then someone told me that not alot of their songs were that great and that one of the reasons they didn't listen to them much was that they didn't compare to TVXQ's voices. Another time someone told me that I shouldn't be a fan of Changmin because I liked Junnosuke. One person even said that Maaya Sakamoto's songs weren't all that great. .___. I know it's personal preference, but still.... I suppose what I'm trying to get at is try not to be an 'elitist' and criticize the mess out of another group or individual members--especially if you don't delve into their music so often. :/ Ya know what I mean?
Well....here's an update post. Until next time~! Peace out.
1. "Oppa, Gangnam Style"~!
Yes, 'Gangnam Style' has become a very big hit here in the U.S. So much so that many celebs love it, he's got a contract under the same company as Beiber, and he's even been invited on various shows. Heck, his song even plays on the radio--and not just in the Northeast or the West, but in the South too. I'm really happy that PSY is doing so well in the U.S. Though it is a little bittersweet since other Jpop/Kpop artists have tried to break into the market and failed. But I do want PSY to succeed becuase it would then open a way for other Asian artists to become more known in the U.S. (and concerts could finally be held in my area). I think the reason because his song became so huge is because it doesn't give off that 'westernized' feel that other artists did when coming over here. Also, the U.S. seems to like funny things, so he fits the bill to some degree. I'd have to say that our population is quite picky with songs too. :/ I'm not quite sure why some people don't really like it because honestly, the beat sounds like it could be used in any song found here. And it's just as wacky as some of the other MVs found around. But I think that people aren't used to hearing Korean.
2. "Changmin, your hair!"
As of yesterday, pictures came out of Changmin and Yunho with a different hairdo. Yunho's looked nice, but Changmin's has stirred some complaints within the fandom. It's a short, mushroom-like cut that is dyed a light brown. Granted, it's probably not one of the styles I like, I'm not going to complain about it either. I'll just have to get used to seeing him with short hair again. I think another reason why I'm okay with it might be because Junnosuke is also sporting a hairstyle like that. It's just that his bangs are a little longer and it's two-tone colored (blonde on top and dark brown/black underneath). To me, that just means another 'connection' between my Kpop and Jpop biases! ^o^
3. "_____ doesn't sound that great compared to ______"
"I'm not going to that concert because _______ isn't gonna be there", "Only _______ is going to get my money", "__________'s songs aren't all that great as compared to ________". I've actually heard (more like read) these things on Twitter. Most of the time it's the Cassie part of my list that tends to say this about other groups, but I've also seen it out of other fandoms I follow. Even on Tumblr's 'confession' accounts (be it Jpop, Kpop, etc.) there can be harsh criticism coming from some fans. It's a little sad because I tend to be a fan of one group and the other group being criticized. Case and point: TVXQ and KAT-TUN. One time I was spamming about KAT-TUN, and then someone told me that not alot of their songs were that great and that one of the reasons they didn't listen to them much was that they didn't compare to TVXQ's voices. Another time someone told me that I shouldn't be a fan of Changmin because I liked Junnosuke. One person even said that Maaya Sakamoto's songs weren't all that great. .___. I know it's personal preference, but still.... I suppose what I'm trying to get at is try not to be an 'elitist' and criticize the mess out of another group or individual members--especially if you don't delve into their music so often. :/ Ya know what I mean?
Well....here's an update post. Until next time~! Peace out.
August 7, 2012
When Kpop News Portals Hand You Rumors...
So, today (thanks to Twitter) the TVXQ fandom is buzzing with chatter. Why? An article has come out saying that there is a possibility that the group might get back together because Jaejoong, Yoochun, and Junsu's names have been noticed on certain profile boards for TVXQ on certain sites. This comes just a few days before another court date. Most of the comments from netizens and fans alike most likely pass it off as a rumor. As for me, I'll take this with the grain of salt, but I'm also excited about it. To be honest I'm ready to be done with this lawsuit. It's been over 3 years already, and fans are really getting tired of it. I'm sure the members involved as well as the company--and everyone else affected by it--is ready for it all to end. I know that I've said before that until the members themselves say something about it, that's when I would believe. But so far, they haven't really said anything. OTL
I suppose what is sad is that most fans are probably more comfortable with how things are now. Some don't want the to reunite because they say the members are doing great. Others just don't really expect anything to change any time soon. It feels like fans these days are quite pessimistic. I would love it for them to reunite again (outside of SM if possible). Things these past 3 years have been truly a crazy roller coaster ride in my fangirl life. I haven't been really watching videos of the current things the members have been doing. And to be honest...hearing 'remade' songs like 'Somebody to Love' or performing old ones like 'Rising Sun' weren't so appealing to me. It just didn't feel right. Sometimes I wondered if it ever affected HoMin when they sang those songs. Of course, that's not to say that I don't listen to their other songs. .__.
One thing that does worry me though is that their reputation might suffer if they come back together. I hope that the members themselves have no 'bad blood' among each other also. But I suppose we'd have to see how things would pan out. And if the situation where they have to disband happens again, I hope that it's due to a better situation (like getting too old for entertainment or contracts expiring normally).
Yet again, I type another entry that is more of a rant, huh? Well, the bottom line is that though I should take this rumor with a grain of salt, I'm feeling rathe optimistic about it as well. Ultimately, we'll have to see what will happen. Peace out.
I suppose what is sad is that most fans are probably more comfortable with how things are now. Some don't want the to reunite because they say the members are doing great. Others just don't really expect anything to change any time soon. It feels like fans these days are quite pessimistic. I would love it for them to reunite again (outside of SM if possible). Things these past 3 years have been truly a crazy roller coaster ride in my fangirl life. I haven't been really watching videos of the current things the members have been doing. And to be honest...hearing 'remade' songs like 'Somebody to Love' or performing old ones like 'Rising Sun' weren't so appealing to me. It just didn't feel right. Sometimes I wondered if it ever affected HoMin when they sang those songs. Of course, that's not to say that I don't listen to their other songs. .__.
One thing that does worry me though is that their reputation might suffer if they come back together. I hope that the members themselves have no 'bad blood' among each other also. But I suppose we'd have to see how things would pan out. And if the situation where they have to disband happens again, I hope that it's due to a better situation (like getting too old for entertainment or contracts expiring normally).
Yet again, I type another entry that is more of a rant, huh? Well, the bottom line is that though I should take this rumor with a grain of salt, I'm feeling rathe optimistic about it as well. Ultimately, we'll have to see what will happen. Peace out.
July 6, 2012
Once Again, Korea...
First of all, I don't claim for any of this to be factual, just straight up opinions. It just feels that time and time again, I'm noticing that Korea gets slammed for being racist more frequently. The most recent thing being when a group called B2ST (Beast) was in New York filming for a music video. They put up a last-minute ad asking for only Caucasian models. Unfortunately, that was a really wrong move on their part. But I wouldn't blame the group itself. The director of the music video should be the one to blame. I read comments stating things like: "Why does this group even have fans" and "This is why I don't like Kpop. It's racist". I'm probably on the wrong side about this and I will admit that how some Koreans are about other races is really wrong, but I do feel bad that Korea gets called out on this more and more often now. There are other countries that do this as well I'm sure. Dare I say that Jpop may have a similar problem? Because all I see in majority of their music videos whenever they need a foreigner are Caucasians as well. Would you not think that they may be doing the same thing that Kpop may do? The only difference is that Jpop may be more discreet with it, but I'm sure they had problems in the past as well.
I will admit to this: there are times where I do sit and wonder how my biases would view me and such (especially Changmin or Junnosuke) because I am of a dark complexion. .__. But despite all wonky things Korea throws out there, I still enjoy the things I see from that country. I'm not going to let these things deterr me from listening to Kpop or wanting to visit that country, and I don't think it should let others as well. I feel the same way for Japan too. If anything, it's like I always say: Korea is now beginning to become noticed by the world more and more, and all this attention (i.e.- more tourists) is something they have to adjust to. Not only that, I think it would be best if the idea of having pale or lighter skin as the "ideal" skin-type just disappears.
All in all, I do want Korea to be more mindful of what they're saying and doing now that they've got an international audience, but at the same time wouldn't it be best to guide them in how to deal with it rather than choke-slam them? :/
Maybe I'm just too chill about this. Anyway, peace out.
I will admit to this: there are times where I do sit and wonder how my biases would view me and such (especially Changmin or Junnosuke) because I am of a dark complexion. .__. But despite all wonky things Korea throws out there, I still enjoy the things I see from that country. I'm not going to let these things deterr me from listening to Kpop or wanting to visit that country, and I don't think it should let others as well. I feel the same way for Japan too. If anything, it's like I always say: Korea is now beginning to become noticed by the world more and more, and all this attention (i.e.- more tourists) is something they have to adjust to. Not only that, I think it would be best if the idea of having pale or lighter skin as the "ideal" skin-type just disappears.
All in all, I do want Korea to be more mindful of what they're saying and doing now that they've got an international audience, but at the same time wouldn't it be best to guide them in how to deal with it rather than choke-slam them? :/
Maybe I'm just too chill about this. Anyway, peace out.
June 2, 2012
Oh, The Pains Of Being A 'Multi-Fan'
It's funny how I hear some fans say that they just don't understand how one person can be a fan of so many groups.*silently raises hand* Well...I'm one. (.__.)/ If you didn't know already, I'm a fan of many, many, MANY groups. Well, I guess 'fan' wouldn't be the very best word, but there are many groups that I like. I may not listen to all of them on a daily basis and I tend to keep up with my biased groups more *coughTVXQandKAT-TUNcough* but if you want to talk to me about another group, I'll try my best to converse with you about them. However, there seems to be a tiny problem that I'm beginnig to notice...
Jpop and Kpop fans don't really get along well with each other...
And this frustrates me. .___. How am I supposed to talk to both general fandoms? You see, I have a tendency to talk about the other genre to each fandom. I know it's probably not very smart of me, but I just want to 'promote' the genre to the opposite fandom. For example, I'll use TVXQ and KAT-TUN--more specifically, my biases from both groups. I really do like them, and I'll talk about them to anyone and everyone. XD BUT!!! If I happen to say that Changmin and Junnosuke look alike--er--similar at some glances...I'll get told that they don't. I've also noticed that when I make my own Tumblr posts, the ones that get the most responses tend to be the individual ones rather than the ones I do that have both of them in there (if that makes sense). I have to apologize, but I seem to see it more from other Junnosuke fans. :x But either side will also sometimes say bad things about the other, and that doesn't sit well with me as they are my top oppa and ichiban. Are they not worthy to be complimented for looking alike even in the slightest? Is it insulting or something? I don't think it's a bad thing as they're very attractive. I could add to it that they both look like Taiwanese singer/actor, Jerry Yan. :o And of course their personalities are very different. I've grown to love each of their quirks--even though some of the things they may do or say may not be my cup of tea. Just imagine how it would be if I had said that Donghae of Super Junior and Kame of KAT-TUN looked similar (which they kind of do)? OTL
Many fandoms of groups that I like tend to bash each other...
I don't really claim to be an elitist fan of any group (maybe more of a 'knowledgeable' fan), but how some are sounding makes them think like they're better than others and that certain fans should 'fall in line' or something. It's hard to even say that one group's style is similar to another without having a fan tell you off. I'll admit, I'll say something along the lines of that if TVXQ is mentioned--as I did get upset when a group called Code V sang 'Love in the Ice'--but I don't think it's right to nit-pick so harshly especially if it was just for fun. I guess that would fall under what I had stated in the above paragraph when it comes to your favorite celebrities looking alike at first glance.
*sigh* Fandom is such a scary place sometimes. Like in my previous entry, I've considered leaving it all. But then I'd get quite lonely not being able to spazz with all the nice people I've met. So, I'll just let you all know that: 1) I like both Jpop and Kpop (and some Mandopop) at pretty much an equal level, 2) Changmin and Junnosuke are my top biases, and I really like to point out similarities they have (though it's becoming less and less the more I look at them), and 3) at least try not to diss either genre/group. It's as simple as that.
Hm...this seemed to have turned into a rant post...mainly about my biases (when is it not?). For this I apologize if I sounded rough, but I've had similar thoughts about this ever since I eased back into the Jpop fandom and it sort of peaked when I read an insult about Changmin. -_- As a side-note I'd like to say that maybe the reason for the tension has to do with the bad blood between Japan and S. Korea due to their history with each other? In any case, I should post a more light-hearted entry soon. Peace out~!

June 1, 2012
Random Complaints!
Okay, so I was going through this Kpop/TVXQ website that is now on idefinate hiatus because I was looking for this article: [NEWS] Round 1: Tohoshinki vs. KAT-TUN But in order to do that, I had to scroll through so many other posts...most of them were about the lawsuit. It was pretty rough to scroll past those articles because it brought up all the feelings I had during that time. It reminded me that we're still somewhat going through this lawsuit. Some of the articles talked about how Jaejoong, Yoochun, and Junsu would like to finish the dispute quickly and that all of them would like to remain as a group...even if they have to switch agencies or that all members still want to remain together no matter what. It made me wonder if they still have those feelings.
Most fans are okay with how things are currently with the five members. This is not to say that their current achievements are bad or anything, but I really want them back together as five. Maybe I'm putting more stress on them by seeming like the type of fan that doesn't care about their music and just wants them together again (outside of SM). Some say: "What if they don't want to be together again?" I know I wouldn't like to see them depressed if they don't want to, but would they really be upset if they got back together? It makes me kind of sad because upon thinking about it...I've only been a fan of them pre-lawsuit for only about 2 years out of the 5 since I've gotten to know them.
I also feel a little upset because of a certain 'kpopconfession' I came across on Tumblr. It was talking about JYJ/HoMin (something about calling the TVXQ "HoMin"). It got alot of comments, most being very negative....and bashing OT5 fans by saying that they're the most delusional and annoying. .___. I don't really know what to think anymore. I've been considering easing my way out of the fandom and just supporting them in my own awkward way. But, I've come to meet some very nice people, and I don't want to lose contact with them. ^^;;
I'm not sure where I was going with this, but I just wanted to put it out here. I really do miss them together as five, and sometimes seeing things the way they are now in both the members and the fandom frustrates me. Regardless, I still do find ways to enjoy it, and fear not...I still do love the members.
Most fans are okay with how things are currently with the five members. This is not to say that their current achievements are bad or anything, but I really want them back together as five. Maybe I'm putting more stress on them by seeming like the type of fan that doesn't care about their music and just wants them together again (outside of SM). Some say: "What if they don't want to be together again?" I know I wouldn't like to see them depressed if they don't want to, but would they really be upset if they got back together? It makes me kind of sad because upon thinking about it...I've only been a fan of them pre-lawsuit for only about 2 years out of the 5 since I've gotten to know them.
I also feel a little upset because of a certain 'kpopconfession' I came across on Tumblr. It was talking about JYJ/HoMin (something about calling the TVXQ "HoMin"). It got alot of comments, most being very negative....and bashing OT5 fans by saying that they're the most delusional and annoying. .___. I don't really know what to think anymore. I've been considering easing my way out of the fandom and just supporting them in my own awkward way. But, I've come to meet some very nice people, and I don't want to lose contact with them. ^^;;
I'm not sure where I was going with this, but I just wanted to put it out here. I really do miss them together as five, and sometimes seeing things the way they are now in both the members and the fandom frustrates me. Regardless, I still do find ways to enjoy it, and fear not...I still do love the members.

May 23, 2012
As Another Year Passes...
I know it's not even the end of the year, but usually whenever SM artists come to the U.S., it's usually once a year. Thus, I say 'another year'. I bet you know what I may write about, huh? Well, this past weekend fans in southern California were blessed with two Kpop concerts: SM Town and MBC Google Kpop. It's times like this that I REALLY wish I lived in California. OTL Anyway....
SM Town was a great success from what I'm gathering. A good chunk of the artists came over to perform, and many fanaccounts were made. Twitter was exploding with updates from fans that were there. I was okay with it until I read in my timeline on Twitter that Changmin and Kyuhyun sang a duet. It was Bruno Mars's 'Just the Way You Are'. My first thought was "Changmin AND Kyuhyun, my two biases of TVXQ and SuJu, singing a duet? AWESOME!!" But then, I read that they were singing to a fangirl...while on a bended knee...while holding her hands...and they hugged her at the end. Needless to say that I was really, really jealous of her. It's great that she was an OT5 fan, but I still can't help but feel upset. OTL That's like one of my biggest wishes being lived through another person--of course being at the concert would be like having my wish being lived through thousands of fangirls (but to be up on stage, being serenaded to?). I'm sorry if I sound like I'm bashing her though. But I thought I'd just express what I'm feeling. It's just that...everytime something like this happens, it feels like my wish to meet Changmin like that diminishes more and more with each passing year. I know she was also chosen at random too, and for a while I wondered what it was that made her stand out. It was interesting when she thanked God for this blessing, and I was all like: "That's all well and good, but... m(.__.)m" The reason is because for a while, I've been thinking that God doesn't want me to see him. For example, it is rare to dream of Changmin and when I do, most of the time he's ignoring me. And of course I'm stuck here in the South for who knows how long...and I don't see Kpop coming here anytime soon. OK LIFE, I GET IT!!! I'm not allowed to see my ideal man in reality. I also am aware that I'm not the only one who may think this way, and that I should be greatful that they're even touring the U.S. more because other countries have yet to be touched. I've gotten friends to tell me that I'll get my chance one day, and it helped raise my mood. But I felt bad that I made them feel pity for me because I'm not strong (or sane) enough to 'be honestly happy' for her like some others are. Being a fangirl is hard, but being one that really, really likes their bias is harder. But whatever....think of me as you will. I hate being labeled as some crazy fan, but I guess that's what I am. :x
Anyway, I did watch the MBC Google concert via live stream on Youtube. The lagging was really nerve-wrecking, but I was happy to see Yunho and Changmin perform. Yet while I was watching it on the stream, and even though it was live...it still isn't the same as actually being there.
Well, there you have it. Yet another entry about something related to Changmin, b*tching about why I can't have him, how lucky other fangirls are, etc. Ms. Lucky Fangirl Who Got to Hug Changmin and Kyuhyun....you are EXTREMELY lucky, and know that while I am jealous/envious, I will not send you messages of hate or threats of any kind. When I'm mad at people close to guys I like, I complain and I find that I may end up self-hating in the end. I
Just to throw in here: I'm pretty sure that if any of my biases (especially Changmin) stumble upon this post, they will shake their heads in shame. .___. In any case, peace out.
SM Town was a great success from what I'm gathering. A good chunk of the artists came over to perform, and many fanaccounts were made. Twitter was exploding with updates from fans that were there. I was okay with it until I read in my timeline on Twitter that Changmin and Kyuhyun sang a duet. It was Bruno Mars's 'Just the Way You Are'. My first thought was "Changmin AND Kyuhyun, my two biases of TVXQ and SuJu, singing a duet? AWESOME!!" But then, I read that they were singing to a fangirl...while on a bended knee...while holding her hands...and they hugged her at the end. Needless to say that I was really, really jealous of her. It's great that she was an OT5 fan, but I still can't help but feel upset. OTL That's like one of my biggest wishes being lived through another person--of course being at the concert would be like having my wish being lived through thousands of fangirls (but to be up on stage, being serenaded to?). I'm sorry if I sound like I'm bashing her though. But I thought I'd just express what I'm feeling. It's just that...everytime something like this happens, it feels like my wish to meet Changmin like that diminishes more and more with each passing year. I know she was also chosen at random too, and for a while I wondered what it was that made her stand out. It was interesting when she thanked God for this blessing, and I was all like: "That's all well and good, but... m(.__.)m" The reason is because for a while, I've been thinking that God doesn't want me to see him. For example, it is rare to dream of Changmin and when I do, most of the time he's ignoring me. And of course I'm stuck here in the South for who knows how long...and I don't see Kpop coming here anytime soon. OK LIFE, I GET IT!!! I'm not allowed to see my ideal man in reality. I also am aware that I'm not the only one who may think this way, and that I should be greatful that they're even touring the U.S. more because other countries have yet to be touched. I've gotten friends to tell me that I'll get my chance one day, and it helped raise my mood. But I felt bad that I made them feel pity for me because I'm not strong (or sane) enough to 'be honestly happy' for her like some others are. Being a fangirl is hard, but being one that really, really likes their bias is harder. But whatever....think of me as you will. I hate being labeled as some crazy fan, but I guess that's what I am. :x
Anyway, I did watch the MBC Google concert via live stream on Youtube. The lagging was really nerve-wrecking, but I was happy to see Yunho and Changmin perform. Yet while I was watching it on the stream, and even though it was live...it still isn't the same as actually being there.
Well, there you have it. Yet another entry about something related to Changmin, b*tching about why I can't have him, how lucky other fangirls are, etc. Ms. Lucky Fangirl Who Got to Hug Changmin and Kyuhyun....you are EXTREMELY lucky, and know that while I am jealous/envious, I will not send you messages of hate or threats of any kind. When I'm mad at people close to guys I like, I complain and I find that I may end up self-hating in the end. I
Just to throw in here: I'm pretty sure that if any of my biases (especially Changmin) stumble upon this post, they will shake their heads in shame. .___. In any case, peace out.
May 18, 2012
'Papadol' And The Mixed Feelings I Get From It
So, lately I've been watching a few dramas. Right now, I'm watching one called 'Papa wa Idol' a.k.a. 'Papadol'. It stars Ryo Nishikido and is currently being aired in Japan. It's more of a romantic comedy where Nishikido stars as himself and portrays what life would be like if an idol got married. It's a remake of a previous Jdrama, but the roles are reversed: the idol is a woman who marries an average man. Also in this drama, virtually everyone plays as themselves.
So far the drama is very interesting as I've never seen one with this kind of plot. However, it also makes me kind of sad. :( The reason is because it makes me wonder yet again about this sensitive situation about a famous person's relationships. It's kind of like: "I didn't realize all of this could happen" granted he/she dates an average person. One quote from the movie (Nishikido's manager had said to him): "Your job is to sell dreams to the fans" or "You can't get married yet. What will your fans or even your members think?" Well, these may not be the accurate quotes. ^^;; In a sense, I think that this drama may be something that all fans should take a look at. It may make you wonder...could you handle it when your bias gets married? I know that I may have a poor reaction to the news if my top biases were even said to be dating. XD On the flipside, could one even handle being able to date a celebrity after seeing all the stuff they have to do in this drama? I probably would still want to. ^o^ But all joking aside...this drama so far is entertaining, but also melancholic to me. It makes me think about letting go of the idea that I have any romantic feelings for any of my biases so that if (or when) that time comes of dating/marriage announcements from them, at least I won't have a mental breakdown or soemthing. I always say that I want them to be happy, but in the same breath I want to be that one that makes them happy--more so in Changmin's case--or at least meet them when they're single. XD Saa...
Let's see what else will come out of this drama~! Until next time.
So far the drama is very interesting as I've never seen one with this kind of plot. However, it also makes me kind of sad. :( The reason is because it makes me wonder yet again about this sensitive situation about a famous person's relationships. It's kind of like: "I didn't realize all of this could happen" granted he/she dates an average person. One quote from the movie (Nishikido's manager had said to him): "Your job is to sell dreams to the fans" or "You can't get married yet. What will your fans or even your members think?" Well, these may not be the accurate quotes. ^^;; In a sense, I think that this drama may be something that all fans should take a look at. It may make you wonder...could you handle it when your bias gets married? I know that I may have a poor reaction to the news if my top biases were even said to be dating. XD On the flipside, could one even handle being able to date a celebrity after seeing all the stuff they have to do in this drama? I probably would still want to. ^o^ But all joking aside...this drama so far is entertaining, but also melancholic to me. It makes me think about letting go of the idea that I have any romantic feelings for any of my biases so that if (or when) that time comes of dating/marriage announcements from them, at least I won't have a mental breakdown or soemthing. I always say that I want them to be happy, but in the same breath I want to be that one that makes them happy--more so in Changmin's case--or at least meet them when they're single. XD Saa...
Let's see what else will come out of this drama~! Until next time.
May 6, 2012
What's Up? & Introducing Another Bias!
It's been a while, hasn't it? I apologize for that. Half of the problem was laziness (when is it not?) and the other half was due to the lack of comments. There were times when I considered just getting rid of this blog because I was feeling that the stuff I was typing was not interesting. But I suppose that eventually more commenters will come. I just need to hang in there.
While I was on 'hiatus' so much had happened. But I can't remember all of it. ^^;; Thus, I shall just blog about how a certain bias of mine has somewhat recently messed up my straight-laced, airtight bias list. His name: Ryo Nishikido!
While I was on 'hiatus' so much had happened. But I can't remember all of it. ^^;; Thus, I shall just blog about how a certain bias of mine has somewhat recently messed up my straight-laced, airtight bias list. His name: Ryo Nishikido!

Hehe...there is a (stupid) reason that he became my bias in the first place. Can you guess what is is? >:D
He's one of my biases that I kind of kept on the back-burner. Actually, most of my biases are in that spot because I just talk about Changmin and Junnosuke all the time. It may be quite unfair, I know. But anyway, I've found myself spazzing over this man for over the past two weeks. The crazy thing is that he's been somewhat the subject of about three or four of my dreams...within the span of a week. o.O I guess that can account from me watching 'Inu wo Kau to Iu Koto' where he played the lead male role as a salaryman/father. I was mainly watching it for Junnosuke, but then I was like: "Hey, Nishikido is in this too~!" since I've never seen him act. He's pretty good! But then again, I'd say that about any actor really. The only slightly uncomfortable feeling I have for him right now is that since I'm starting to spazz over him, I fear that I will gradually push Changmin and (recent spazzing bias) Junnosuke from their #1 and #2 spots. That is something I do not want to happen. .___. Pretty lame, huh?
So, a little about the guy...he was born in Osaka, Japan. He is part of Johnny's Entertainment as a member of Kanjani8. He used to be part of NEWS as well, but he recently left (that was the group I found him in). He can play guitar, and I'm sure he's well known for a signature mole on his chin. When it comes to his personality, he's said to be quite a meanie. .___. And I don't think it's like 'Changmin' mean either (which I have grown accustom to). I read that he made Ueda--a member of KAT-TUN--quite upset at one point. He also sounds like quite the ladies man too. It's rather awkward how he's even one of my biases! But then again, I'm on a quest to learn more about each of them, so I may have a few that would totally contradict my standard bias. Did that make any sense? XD But despite this, I have the thought that he might be a nice guy. At least I felt that way when watching the drama I stated earlier. But as with all celebrities, the only way to find out how they truly are is if you're actually around them.
Well, that's pretty much it for this post. Until next time~! ^o^
March 24, 2012
Happy Belated 6th Anniversary, KAT-TUN And A Small Issue
March 22, 2012 marked the 6th anniversary of the Jpop group I tend to follow the most...KAT-TUN~! ^o^ As most of you know, I've become quite interested in this group a few months back. I've heard of them prior to actually becoming a fan, but never really paid attention to them (as I was into anime and about to head into the realm of Kpop). But just like TVXQ I do feel sad that I came into the fandom really late.
Anyway, KAT-TUN is a super popular Jpop male group that is under Johnny's Entertainment. They're very interesting fellas if I do say so myself. I'm in the process of watching their variety show called 'Cartoon KAT-TUN and they are just as hilarious as my main bias group~! Although the vocals of the members of KAT-TUN do confuse me--because they almost sound alike--I do like alot of their songs. Their dancing is...a bit interesting as well. But that is because I'm so used to seeing Kpop grounds dance in sync. However, this group has a pretty impressive record when it comes to their performances and such. So far, KAT-TUN is the only group to perform multiple times in the prestigious Tokyo Dome BEFORE debut. And at one time, they performed ELEVEN shows in ONE day! How amazing is that? o.O There are several other feats that they've done, but I can't remember off the top of my head. Here is a link to their Wikipedia page for that: KAT-TUN history. I also made a post about them earlier if you want to check them out further. :D
Now, the next issue is about what recently happened on Twitter involving a recent picture of Jaejoong. At first I didn't know what they were talking about--save that some fans were spazzing that Jaejoong had become blonde or something. But then some fans began to notice that it didn't come from his own twitter (and it was a selca of himself). This was also from KakaoTalk--sort of like a Korean instant messaging app for your smartphone, ipad, etc. And since it wasn't uploaded by Jaejoong himself or any of his staff, many fans were lead to believe that his account on KakaoTalk was hacked by a sasaeng fan or whatnot. And what with all the issues that have arisen pertaining to sasaengs lately, it could make any situation tense. But I believe that the person who initially uploaded the picture took it down. I think she may have been a friend of his on KakaoTalk too (I'm still fuzzy on the details). The issue is about other fans' reactions to the fans who said it could have been the work of sasaengs. They seemed to have gotten upset when sasaengs were blamed. Truthfully, I would've blamed them too. After hearing about everything that those types of girls do, it would make your eyes go o.O But upon realizing it, alot of the stuff we see about our favorite celebs--airport pics mainly--most likely come from a sasaeng. I guess I'm alright with airport pics and whatnot HOWEVER I don't like all the extra stuff that sasaengs do. For example...getting a hold of their cellphone numbers, flight itinerary, breaking and entering their houses...I guess basically anything that invades their privacy or does more harm to the celebrity and the fan than good. I think the best way to make an impression as a fan to your 'oppa', 'ichiban', whatever is to just attend their concert, go to a fan meet, or send them a nicely done letter with maybe a fan gift...as long as it's not written in blood or anything disturbing. ^^;; But I just figure I'd let out my thoughts on the issue.
Peace out~!
Anyway, KAT-TUN is a super popular Jpop male group that is under Johnny's Entertainment. They're very interesting fellas if I do say so myself. I'm in the process of watching their variety show called 'Cartoon KAT-TUN and they are just as hilarious as my main bias group~! Although the vocals of the members of KAT-TUN do confuse me--because they almost sound alike--I do like alot of their songs. Their dancing is...a bit interesting as well. But that is because I'm so used to seeing Kpop grounds dance in sync. However, this group has a pretty impressive record when it comes to their performances and such. So far, KAT-TUN is the only group to perform multiple times in the prestigious Tokyo Dome BEFORE debut. And at one time, they performed ELEVEN shows in ONE day! How amazing is that? o.O There are several other feats that they've done, but I can't remember off the top of my head. Here is a link to their Wikipedia page for that: KAT-TUN history. I also made a post about them earlier if you want to check them out further. :D

Peace out~!
March 11, 2012
Remembering 3/11 And A Little Tidbit Extra
Today was the day that marked the one year anniversary of the major natural disaster that struck Japan (even though it was yesterday in Japan). I can still remember when I was watching the news as the water came speeding in. It left goosebumps on my body. As I've stated before, I used to live there and I loved it very much. It suprised many how the people cooperated in the wake. Though the road to recovery will be very long (believe me, I know) I know that Japan will come back better. I hope to come back and visit soon~! :3
Thi is just a small post I'd like to dedicate to the people of Japan. ^o^
But...as a sidenote, I'd also like to say to my ultimate bias, "Stay strong. I know I can't support very well from here, but I shall keep trying."
Peace out~!
Thi is just a small post I'd like to dedicate to the people of Japan. ^o^
But...as a sidenote, I'd also like to say to my ultimate bias, "Stay strong. I know I can't support very well from here, but I shall keep trying."
Peace out~!
March 9, 2012
Fangirl Moodswings
This is an entry I had from my LiveJournal...
I feel a bit intimidated when I step into a group that has long been established in the entertainment world and has so many fans that are 'well-seasoned' in terms of knowlege of a member I like. I usually think: "Wow...they know alot about him. They'd make a better pair than I would with him." It was a little like that in the beginning for me with Changmin in TVXQ, but it seems a bit worse for Junnosuke in KAT-TUN since I'm so late in entering the fandom. :o I hope none of you take it the wrong way of course. I really do admire the loyalty in some of you fans because it must be so easy to stick with just one person (which I seem to have temporarily lost sight with). I only say that last part because loyalty/faithfulness is one of the big traits of a Leo. Maybe that is why my brain is fried whenever I look at the pics on my Windows 7 desktop thingy because it's got both Changmin and Junnosuke pics to shuffle through.
I see fans who are strictly Changmin and ones who are strictly Junnosuke biased. And ones that like both already seem to have chosen who they'd most likely stick with. So, where does that leave me? I still think that I'd most likely choose Changmin, but then I don't want to lose Junnosuke either. Then I think: "Is this really something to be fretting over?" XD I also don't want to be considered a 'fake' fan or a disappointment to one fandom or the other for liking both of these guys very much. It's like I'm thinking they're saying: "You should stick with one and not worry about the other". Even thought that is totally not the case of what they're saying. But I really dislike when fans compare them in negative ways, namely by saying that one is better than the other in various fields (i.e. - hotness/cuteness, dancing, singing, etc.) >:( I can't --no--I REFUSE to do that. If I do compare, it's all for good things. I guess I just want fans who are either Changmin/Junnosuke-biased to recognize that BOTH are special.
I guess this would filter in with my previous post in the section that was talking about Kpop and Jpop. Anyways...peace out~!
I feel a bit intimidated when I step into a group that has long been established in the entertainment world and has so many fans that are 'well-seasoned' in terms of knowlege of a member I like. I usually think: "Wow...they know alot about him. They'd make a better pair than I would with him." It was a little like that in the beginning for me with Changmin in TVXQ, but it seems a bit worse for Junnosuke in KAT-TUN since I'm so late in entering the fandom. :o I hope none of you take it the wrong way of course. I really do admire the loyalty in some of you fans because it must be so easy to stick with just one person (which I seem to have temporarily lost sight with). I only say that last part because loyalty/faithfulness is one of the big traits of a Leo. Maybe that is why my brain is fried whenever I look at the pics on my Windows 7 desktop thingy because it's got both Changmin and Junnosuke pics to shuffle through.
I see fans who are strictly Changmin and ones who are strictly Junnosuke biased. And ones that like both already seem to have chosen who they'd most likely stick with. So, where does that leave me? I still think that I'd most likely choose Changmin, but then I don't want to lose Junnosuke either. Then I think: "Is this really something to be fretting over?" XD I also don't want to be considered a 'fake' fan or a disappointment to one fandom or the other for liking both of these guys very much. It's like I'm thinking they're saying: "You should stick with one and not worry about the other". Even thought that is totally not the case of what they're saying. But I really dislike when fans compare them in negative ways, namely by saying that one is better than the other in various fields (i.e. - hotness/cuteness, dancing, singing, etc.) >:( I can't --no--I REFUSE to do that. If I do compare, it's all for good things. I guess I just want fans who are either Changmin/Junnosuke-biased to recognize that BOTH are special.
I guess this would filter in with my previous post in the section that was talking about Kpop and Jpop. Anyways...peace out~!
March 8, 2012
Being A Fan Is Really Tough...
Seriously! It would be amazing if we could all get paid for it. ^^;; But as of late, news about 'sasaeng fans' is spreading really fast. If you read my last post on them, they are the type of fan to make a whole fandom look bad. And since the worst ones happn to be for TVXQ it makes the situation even more complex for thw whole fandom. Not only do we have to deal with the lawsuit--which I believe has still not been resolved--but the fandom also has deep divisions. And if you're a multi-fan like me, it gets really difficult when you have drama going on in other groups that you tend to follow. On top of that, whenever your bias ends up in a controversy--dating someone, for example--things can get really messy really fast. The example of dating is one that I'm quite guilty of becaue I know I'd get really upset. But I'd like to talk more about the subject of the 'sasaeng fans'.
Just a while ago, it was reported that Jaejoong, Yoochun, and Junsu had responded to the issue about the 'abuse' they were giving to the fans. From how it sounded, they didn't deny it nor did they say it was all fake. They did say that they've had to put up with this for a long time. Yoochun just asked that fans give them at least a little bit of privacy. Junsu made mention that because they're "still fans" he really doesn't know how to respond. And Jae (bless his heart) actually said that they apologize if they ever hurt a fan. ;___; I know they're public figures and usually I'd say things about them if a public figure ever does something wrong, but if I were in their shoes I would've given up singing a long time ago. After reading that article, I felt so bad. When the trouble with 'sasaengs' started showing up, it made me think about what kind of fan I was (because I'm sure alot of the fancams in airports and such come from them and I was also enjoying those fancams). Now I just wish I could be of some help to my favorite celebrities or send them encouraging letters or something. It may sound really dumb to some, but I think it'd be nice to hear something optimistic.
Another problem with being a fangirl is having to deal with certain fans that only stick to one group, genre, etc. and think it's the best. I may have that problem a little when it comes to TVXQ since they're my bias group. ^^;; But I say that about 'sticking to one group' because I sometimes feel like some just listen to one genre and don’t really care much for the other. I like both though, and that can be a perdicament. I usually find myself talking about Jpop to Kpop fans and Kpop to Jpop fans. I even try recommending music from the opposite genres to them in hopes they’ll like it too. However, it seems like they're never interested. It's especially true when it comes to introducing TVXQ to Jpop fans or KAT-TUN to Kpop fans. Sometimes I wonder if I bother my Jpop Tumblr/Twitter followers with my reblogging of Kpop and vice versa. And I really don't like it when there are videos on Youtube trying to say which genre is better because both are really good. So Jpoppers don't hate on Kpop and Kpoppers don't hate on Jpop.
That reminds me of a post I did in my LiveJournal about how it's really difficult to establish yourself within a fandom that's been around for a while. With TVXQ it was rather easy for me. But KAT-TUN on the other had was rather difficult. I felt (and still feel) like an outcast. .___. I see some of the people I follow on Tumblr having a conversation about Junnosuke, I kind of want to join, I send a reply to a post in hopes to get a response, I don't get anything and they keep talking. ;___; Maybe it's because I reblog alot of Changmin/TVXQ stuff? But upon thinking about it...I should just be myself when it comes to being a fan, right? Support them my own way~! I can like them just as much and that's all there is to it, right? I should keep this in mind as I traverse along Tumblr or Twitter (and this goes for all fangroups I'm involved in).
In the end, fandom is getting to be REALLY complex these days no matter what country your favorite celebrity hails from. I don't think it was like that back then. ^^;; Haha...I'm also too old to be doing this sort of stuff. I suppose I should wrap this post up by just saying to try to be the best fan you can be....without crossing the line.
Peace out~!
March 7, 2012
Changmin Fanart: "My Adoration"
Hello~! I'm back with more fanart! :D This is actually something I did a few years ago while I was in a college art class. If I remember correctly, it's charcoal on a piece of paper that was covered in turpentine. I call it "My Adoration". >///< As always, please credit me and let me know if you want to show it to others.
Hm...where have we all seen this picture before? >:D
Yes, I used this picture here. Of course, it was the sticker from his solo album that I used because I had brought it to school on that day. I think I've captured the essence of Changmin quite well, ne?
March Is Not Shaping Up Too Well...
Just yesterday I came across two pieces of upsetting news: one in the real world and the other in the fandom world. I'll begin with the real world because that is really important. If you have a Twitter or a Facebook or any other means of social networking, you may have seen the words 'Invisible Children' somewhere. There is this mass project going on to make it well known who these children are. I came across this video (which is being spread), and if you have half an hour, it's worth watching. I didn't think I could sit through and watch all of it. ^^;; But I did. And even if you don't watch all of it, at least get something out of it. And pass it on. :D I know that there're alot of bad things happening in the world, but I feel that for the longest time problems in places like Africa and India go unnoticed.
I'm not much of a shaker or a mover when it comes to stuff like this, so all I can really do is just pass this on. :3
Ah, the next issue within the fandom. Yet again, JYJ has been accused of hitting and cursing at their fans. There is an alleged video (audio only) where you can hear Jaejoong cursing and 'hitting' a fan. I have not watched these videos though. Some fans who heard of this news were shocked. Two general reactions were either anger and extremem disappointment at the members or anger and extreme disappointment toward these fans. I'm against any kind of violence, but I have to admit that these fans got what they came for. But it is suprising that the members have lasted this long with these kinds of fans. "What kind," you ask? They are called 'sasaeng' fans....an EXTREME version of stalkers. This post from Tumblr explanis it better: Sasaeng Fans. Now, I may call myself a crazy-obsessed fan, but I know for sure that I am nowhere near the level of them. I have yet another article that tells of various incidences involving all members of TVXQ. But it's not only this group that has suffered from sasaengs. Warning: There is quite a bit of cursing in the beginning and it is really long, but I advise you read it all. Other famous Kpop stars as well have been stalked. It's just that TVXQ's tends to be really prevalent. I've heard of some of these incidences for the span that I've been a Kpop fan. And I do remember the members speaking about them on a variety program. However, there were some events that I didn't even know about. ESPECIALLY WHEN IT CAME TO MY ULTIMATE BIAS BEING INJURED AND BROUGHT TO THE POINT OF TEARS!!!! >:O It was really upsetting. And then when I looked at my poster of them in my room, I felt really bad for them. I have KakaoTalk for the simple reason of looking for Changmin (because apparently he has one) but now I don't think I'll be using it for a long time because it sounds like stalking. In any case, this post should hopefully bring more insight and make us all rethink what kind of fans we are.
March 3, 2012
A Small Scenario Involving My Two Top Biases
While looking around on Tumblr yesterday, I came across a macro of Junnosuke that I just couldn't pass up! Then I came up with the thought that it went so well with one of the macros I have of Changmin~! So, I made a small scenario out of it:
Imagine a hot lady walks by Junnosuke and Changmin who are just sitting around. Junnosuke happens to catch a view of her as she's walking away and mutters:
Imagine a hot lady walks by Junnosuke and Changmin who are just sitting around. Junnosuke happens to catch a view of her as she's walking away and mutters:
Changmin then gets a good look at the lady, and then looks back at Junnosuke. He replies by saying:
Junnouske is suprised at his comment and asks why he would say that. Changmin answers by simply saying: "I'm told I can take a look at 100 girls and 'just know'."
Huhu~! Funny, right? ............No? Ah, I apologize then. I'm not quite funny. If it offends anyone, I apologize for that too. .____. Credit to the original makers of both macros.
March 1, 2012
Changmin Obsessed!
Hello, everyone~! Down below is a test to see how *coughobsessedcoughcough* you are with Shim Changmin.
I'm sure many of you know how I am with him. I found this on Live Journal from a person named chobitschii, so credit goes to her. I just wanted to post this for fun, so I won't get too jealous (lol). XD Anyway, happy test taking!
MAX/Changmin Obsession Test
Here's the results:
0-4 : It's either you hate him or you don't know who he is. Why you even take this test anyway?
5-10 : You like him..... a little.
11-16 : You're a fan, but not obsessed.
17-23 : Still healthy. Remember to keep your limits, okay.
24-30 : Off to the cold showers with you! Ehem, without Chang Min
I got 23 'yes'...lol...

I'm sure many of you know how I am with him. I found this on Live Journal from a person named chobitschii, so credit goes to her. I just wanted to post this for fun, so I won't get too jealous (lol). XD Anyway, happy test taking!
MAX/Changmin Obsession Test
- You know everything about Chang Min. (Yes / No) No
- You have viewed the 100 facts and profile about Chang Min. (Yes / No) Yes
- You have bookmarked or saved them. (Yes / No) No
- You do a web search on Chang Min every day. (Yes / No) No
- You join or planning to join fanlisting, fangroups and communities dedicated to Chang Min. (Yes / No) Yes
- You are the maintainer of the sites mentioned in no. 5 (Yes/No) Yes...sorta
- Your current website layout features Chang Min. (Yes / No) No, but it will
- You don't refer to Chang Min as Max. (Yes / No) Yes
- But you refer him as Chang Min, Chang Minnie, Minnie, Maxie and other nicknames related to him. (Yes /No) Yes
- You visit Chang Min's fansites every day. (Yes / No) No
- And you pulled Chang Min's photos from the internet. (Yes / No) Yes
- You have Friendster, MySpace, LJ and other blogs with your pictures and userpics are mostly Chang Min in different poses. (Yes / No) Yes
- You have Chang Min’s pictures and posters pasted in every corner of your room. (Yes / No) No
- You have Chang Min as your desktop wallpaper. (Yes / No) Yes
- You write this: I<3Chang Min (Yes / No) Yes
- And this: Chang Min & your name 4ever (Yes / No) Yes
- You draw hearts all on no.14 and 15 or all over his name. (Yes/No) No
- You consider Chang Min to be cute and yummy at the same time. (Yes / No) Yes
- You feel really happy instantly when you see Chang Min's face, even though you are in a mood where you are too depressed to be happy. (Yes / No) Yes
- You squeal when you heard Chang Min's name and when you see his face. (Yes / No) Yes
- You are infatuated by Chang Min. (Yes / No) Yes
- And consider him as 'your man'. (Yes / No) Haha...yes
- All you could ever talk about is Chang Min to your friends, family and random people on the street. (Yes/No) Yes, and I believe they're sick of it.
- You want to go to Kyung Hee University just to see Chang Min. (Yes / No) Yes
- You are or planning to take up Korean as your second/third language. (Yes / No) Yes
- You have dreams about Chang Min. (Yes / No) Yes
- You have dreams of kissing Chang Min. (Yes / No) Yes
- You want to have kids with the boy. (Yes / No) Yes
- You have 'fantasies' about Chang Min. (Yes / No) Yes
- When watching MVs of TVXQ, you tend to rewind them to Chang Min's close-up part. (Yes / No) No
- You wish that you can be Mrs. Shim Chang Min or at least his girlfriend. (Yes / No) Yes
Here's the results:
0-4 : It's either you hate him or you don't know who he is. Why you even take this test anyway?
5-10 : You like him..... a little.
11-16 : You're a fan, but not obsessed.
17-23 : Still healthy. Remember to keep your limits, okay.
24-30 : Off to the cold showers with you! Ehem, without Chang Min
I got 23 'yes'...lol...

February 24, 2012
Oh, Kpop...How You Make Me Think... ^^;;
This February just keeps continuing to be bad. Between controversies, rumors, and racism in Kpop alone, you'd think I'd be done with it all. But, I'm not. Sure, this genre comes with ALOT of drama but I'd have to say that would be because of netizens and the fandoms themselves. And with fans that are getting younger by the day, you have that sense of annoyance that older fans may feel. Some even threaten to leave Kpop because it gets to be too much. But then that makes me feel sad becuase then I'd lose more spazzing friends, and it'd be weird to bring up Kpop to them when they're not interested anymore. :x
One instance that would be a controversey involves Block B and their interview in Thailand. In short, they said a few things that got out of hand, made some netizens (and a few other celebs) a little mad, got bashed pretty hard, and the bashers then got bashed harder. That's kind of how the cycle seems to go with these things as I continue in this fandom. To be honest, it wasn't like this when I was just into anime. But then again, back in those days we didn't have Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube. So, maybe people get more and more angry with each other because of these social networks and the comments that differ so much from their own opinons? I think that's what happens to me sometimes. Man...being a celebrity in either Kpop or Jpop (maybe other places as well) is REALLY troublesome. This is why I really do hope that people will really reconsider becoming one in the future.
One instance that would be a controversey involves Block B and their interview in Thailand. In short, they said a few things that got out of hand, made some netizens (and a few other celebs) a little mad, got bashed pretty hard, and the bashers then got bashed harder. That's kind of how the cycle seems to go with these things as I continue in this fandom. To be honest, it wasn't like this when I was just into anime. But then again, back in those days we didn't have Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube. So, maybe people get more and more angry with each other because of these social networks and the comments that differ so much from their own opinons? I think that's what happens to me sometimes. Man...being a celebrity in either Kpop or Jpop (maybe other places as well) is REALLY troublesome. This is why I really do hope that people will really reconsider becoming one in the future.
February 18, 2012
With only a few minutes left before the day is officially over, I'd like to make a post to celebrate the birthday of my ultimate bias, Shim Changmin~! \(^o^)/
Now this picture is quite relavent because he's 24 (though Korean age puts him at 25).
It's hard to believe that it will almost have been five years since I've established him as my bias in anything fandom-related! The first pic I ever saw of him was this one:
Actually it had all five in it, and I admit that I would've gone for Jaejoong. But then my sister pointed out that Changmin and I were the same age. So after looking up more and more about him, I became very attached to him. I feel he fits my ideal so well...or that he's set the standard for my ideal man. I don't think there's ever been a guy I've liked so much that I'd go to the extent of imagining living the rest of my life with him as crazy as that sounds. Although there are times when I'm irked by some of the things he says or does, I still adore him and thank God for letting me at least see him (even if it's through a computer/television screen). Haha, as the years have gone by Changmin has gotten more handsome. I believe his part of the fanbase has grown larger as I find more and more Changmin-biased fans. This leaves me with more competition. OTL
But either way, I wish Changmin a Happy Birthday and hope he'll see many more. We are both getting old now. I hope he enjoyed his presents and various cakes--even the one that ended up on his face. I know he said that he'll work hard for us fans, but I believe he's already doing a fantastic job (as are the other members) and the last thing I'd want is for him to overwork himself. As long as he remains heathly and in his right mind, I'm good. I just wish I could see him in real life (preferably while he's still single...) I know that this was a pretty crappy birthday message, but I can't really find any way to express how much I like this man! That, and many other fans have said heartfelt things. ^^;;
February 10, 2012
And Recovering Butthurt Fan Says...
Oookkkaaayyy~ So the rumor about Jin and Meisa turned out to be true. OTL Will I live? I'm very certain I will. I am glad that he is doing the right thing (if she truly is pregnant). It's just really...surreal to say the least. I'd still support him of course. If I see his album in a store around here, I'll most likely buy it. Haha...it was a 'speedy-relationship-made-only-in-my-mind' that Jin and I had, mainly after I got a good look at his AnAn shots. ^^;; I'm quite shallow, I know.... m(._.)m Anywhoo, if any of you were concerned about my mental stability, I'm getting to feel alright about it. You know, try to wish them some happiness. It's not like I can do anything except complain how it wasn't me. XD However, if it were Changmin or Junnosuke, that would TOTALLY be a different story! I'd throw a huge fit! I'm not even going to lie about that. Then I'd get told to get over it and probably not have much--if any--sympathy from anyone because of the massively huge fit I'd throw.
To be honest, I'd really like it if a celebrity would go public with their relationship. But I understand that they're worried that fans will either stop supporting them or threaten their girlfriend/boyfriend. In my opinion, it's best for me to know early so that (if I did like the celebrity alot) I'd know that they're off my list of dateable men. Sounds pretty absurd, huh? Of course I like them for their talents too, but you know...'the heart wants what the heart wants' and all that jazz. And I feel I could still have a chance, you know. In fact, I think that is why so many people audition to become celebrities: so they can be close to their favorites. I guess I should become a celebrity or at least a staff member of their team. -_- And I do remember when the ones we liked were just fans of other celebs too. I now know how you felt when your favorite actress got married, Changmin. u_u
I guess it's safe to say that this week was a really suprising week both in my fangirl and my real life. From engagements to a marriage to Changmin checking out ladies in bikinis to an ex-girlfriend blackmailing a Kpop star to everyone thinking it was Yoochun to it not being Yoochun to whatever else crazy happened this week. I really hope that the rest of the year will not be like this. It really hasn't been so good of a start at all. Let's keep hoping things will get better~! Peace! I apologize once again for this post being full of drabble from a recovering, kind-of-butthurt fan.
To be honest, I'd really like it if a celebrity would go public with their relationship. But I understand that they're worried that fans will either stop supporting them or threaten their girlfriend/boyfriend. In my opinion, it's best for me to know early so that (if I did like the celebrity alot) I'd know that they're off my list of dateable men. Sounds pretty absurd, huh? Of course I like them for their talents too, but you know...'the heart wants what the heart wants' and all that jazz. And I feel I could still have a chance, you know. In fact, I think that is why so many people audition to become celebrities: so they can be close to their favorites. I guess I should become a celebrity or at least a staff member of their team. -_- And I do remember when the ones we liked were just fans of other celebs too. I now know how you felt when your favorite actress got married, Changmin. u_u
I guess it's safe to say that this week was a really suprising week both in my fangirl and my real life. From engagements to a marriage to Changmin checking out ladies in bikinis to an ex-girlfriend blackmailing a Kpop star to everyone thinking it was Yoochun to it not being Yoochun to whatever else crazy happened this week. I really hope that the rest of the year will not be like this. It really hasn't been so good of a start at all. Let's keep hoping things will get better~! Peace! I apologize once again for this post being full of drabble from a recovering, kind-of-butthurt fan.
February 8, 2012
Being A Butthurt Fan Really Sucks: I'm Really Tool Old To Be Doing Stuff Like This
I'm going to be butthurt for a moment on this post. Today, it was said that Akanishi Jin (former member of KAT-TUN, and my 2nd favorite from said group) was to marry a celebrity named Kuroki Meisa. I've heard her name before. :o But that's not all! She's also said to be pregnant. This came as quite a shock to me. Am I upset? Yeah, I'll say it. Can I do anything about it? Other than complaining and the likes, no I cannot. Besides, I'm wa~ay too far away from any of my favorite celebrities to do anything. And I can't just go and troll her Twitter or whatever with messages of hate as much as this bugs me. You see, this comes after something happened in my real life involving someone I liked in the past that had happened recently. Not to mention that it reminds me of the scandal involving Junnosuke (my 1st favorite from KAT-TUN) being in a relationship with a 'gravure' model. On top of that, I read that Changmin was taking pics with ladies in bikinis and that just adds on to my fangirl flames. OTL
I suppose reactions like this from crazed fans makes other people who are casual fans really annoyed. Most of the time, they'd say to "get over it" or "they can date whoever they want" or stuff like that. I believe I had said stuff like this before. ^^;; I know that there is truth to this, and that they say they're human...but so are fans. :o I also know that even if I did manage to date a celebrity and suffer massive bashing for it, I think I might still be able to hold out. ._. I guess that sounds a little contradicting since I'm complaining right now. However, it seems the only way for me to actually meet my goal of seeing any of them is to either become someone famous or work as a staff member for them. OTL How did that lady marry her favorite actor? (I can't remember if she married Tom Cruise or some other famous guy).
So, I'm pretty sure that if any of the celebrities I talk about on this blog or any famous news places from Asia read my blogs, they may be like "Dang...she's one crazy-@$$ chick!" and maybe try to avoid me if they ever saw me. But I assure you, I'm still sane and just crazy 60% of the time. I always tell myself that if I just happen to see them in real life (preferably when they're single) I can get over them when stuff like this happens. I guess I'm more shocked at how fast this happened and how she's the same age as I am. :x But since I've yet to hear anything from either Akanishi or Meisa, I'm now wondering if it is true at all. *crosses fingers in hopes that it is false* Okay, I should stop being mean. ^^;; I guess I should go back to liking only anime guys (I never was interested in any male celebs like I am now)...but that is like taking a step backwards. Eh...I'll just stop right here with this post. I aplolgize if I wasted your time with this drabble.
Peace out~!
I suppose reactions like this from crazed fans makes other people who are casual fans really annoyed. Most of the time, they'd say to "get over it" or "they can date whoever they want" or stuff like that. I believe I had said stuff like this before. ^^;; I know that there is truth to this, and that they say they're human...but so are fans. :o I also know that even if I did manage to date a celebrity and suffer massive bashing for it, I think I might still be able to hold out. ._. I guess that sounds a little contradicting since I'm complaining right now. However, it seems the only way for me to actually meet my goal of seeing any of them is to either become someone famous or work as a staff member for them. OTL How did that lady marry her favorite actor? (I can't remember if she married Tom Cruise or some other famous guy).
So, I'm pretty sure that if any of the celebrities I talk about on this blog or any famous news places from Asia read my blogs, they may be like "Dang...she's one crazy-@$$ chick!" and maybe try to avoid me if they ever saw me. But I assure you, I'm still sane and just crazy 60% of the time. I always tell myself that if I just happen to see them in real life (preferably when they're single) I can get over them when stuff like this happens. I guess I'm more shocked at how fast this happened and how she's the same age as I am. :x But since I've yet to hear anything from either Akanishi or Meisa, I'm now wondering if it is true at all. *crosses fingers in hopes that it is false* Okay, I should stop being mean. ^^;; I guess I should go back to liking only anime guys (I never was interested in any male celebs like I am now)...but that is like taking a step backwards. Eh...I'll just stop right here with this post. I aplolgize if I wasted your time with this drabble.
Peace out~!
February 2, 2012
Do You Have To Do A Double Take?
Do you all remember when I posted Seeing Triple? Well, I'm back with more! XD Actually there are many, but I've decided to show ones that I think look similar. So lets's start with...

Kamnashi Kazuya of KAT-TUN and Lee Donghae of Super Junior. I know they don't look that much alike, but at first glance and in they way they pose for pictures, they could almost look similar. It would be especially so if Donghae plucked his eybrows in almost the same way as Kame's~! >_< Both are quite popular members of their respected groups. The cool thing is that they're both the same age and their names are related to the ocean (Kame=turtle, Donghae=East sea). Can you all see what I'm talking about?
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