October 4, 2011

TVXQ's What's In Feb 09 - 50 Questions...With A Twist! Part III

21. What left the deepest impression on you in Japan?
YH: Eating at a restaurant with a pretty night view near the Tokyo Tower
CM: Budokan live
JJ: Appearing on [Kouhaku]
YC: Budokan live
JS: Budokan live
Me:  When I lived there, it was just being in a new place outside of the U.S.  Wish I could go back. 

22. Your favourite Japanese food
YH: Motsunabe
CM: Ramen
JJ: Udon
YC: Ramen
JS: Natto
Me: Yakisoba

23. What food would you recommend that has kimchi in it?
YH: Tuna Kimchi rice
CM: Kimchi fried rice
JJ: Kimchi jjigae
YC: Kimchi jjigae (T/N: Kimchi stew)
JS: Kimchi fried rice
Me:  Uh...uh...just kimchi...?  *members burst into laughter at my lack of knowledge of dishes with kimchi in it*

24. Your ‘enemy’ is?
YH: Myself
CM: Junsu
JJ: Myself
YC: Supper
JS: Changmin
Me:  Well, Jaejoong and Yunho had some good answers.  But really, Yoochun?  Supper?! 

25. What hair style would you like to try next?
YH: Permed hair
CM: Please give me Jude Law’s hairstyle
JJ: Blue hair
YC: Long and permed hair
JS: Bald

Me:  LOL at Junsu's answer.  XD 

26. A secret you’ve never told anyone
YH: I don’t have anything to say
CM: No comment
JJ: I don’t tell my secrets ^^
YC: Actually, I’m lonely
JS: None
Me: Aw, you guys...you're avoiding the question when you say things like "none".  -_-;;  That makes fans even more curious!

27. What’s a ‘rumor’ that you found interesting recently?
YH: That the economy will get better
CM: That the ice in the North Pole will melt
JJ: That Changmin has caught a cold
YC: I’m not interested in them
JS: Beckham’s AC Milan
Me: These are some peculiar answers...  Well, I heard...  *members glare at me, hoping that I won't say anything about them*

28. How do you relieve stress?
YH: Drive
CM: Eat, sleep
JJ: I just blank out
YC: Supper
JS: Game
Me: Jaejoong, do you mean you daydream?  I just listen to music and daydream.  :3

29. A recent drama/movie you’ve watched.
YH: [Mamma Mia]
CM: [Hanazakari no Kimitachi e]
JJ: [Ponyo]
YC: [Naruto]
JS: [24]
Me: OMG~!  Changmin, you saw Hana Kimi too?!  Wasn't it funny?  And Yoochun, Ponyo was such a cute movie!  Currently I'm watching 'Hanayome to Papa' (for real) and it's so wonderful...because it's got Junno-kun in it~!  *Changmin glances my way with the slightest hint of--dare I say it--JEALOUSY in his eyes*.  >_<

30. What would you do if you could read minds?
YH: I’d like to know what others think of me
CM: I’ll just read them
JJ: I would be boring if I could read everyone’s mind
YC: I think I’d be really distressed, and wouldn’t want to meet people
JS: Enter FBI
Me: LOL!  Junsu, you'd enter the FBI?!  XD  I'd be like Schuldeich from the anime 'Weiß Kreuz' or Ernest Coure from 'The Candidate for Goddess'.  But then again, reading people's minds would put a tremendous strain on your own. 

Translated by: Sparkskey
Credits to: DNBN

*translated from Korean, so if there are anu mistakes, please point them out (: *
permission given to fangirlmitz and iTVXQ. translation to other languages allowed

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