October 4, 2011

TVXQ's What's In Feb 09 - 50 Questions...With A Twist! Part V

41. Which part of the body do you first notice when you meet someone?
YH: Eyes
CM: Clothes
JJ: Nothing in particular, but I would notice how they pose
YC: Legs (Naturally since you bow when greeting someone)
JS: The overall atmosphere
Me: The whole body, I guess. 

42. If you had a kid, what kind of ‘dad’ will you be?
YH: A dad who’s like a friend
CM: I want to be a dad who’s like my dad
JJ: A tolerant dad
YC: A dad who would participate actively in my kid’s sports day
JS: A dad who’s like a friend
Me:  Yoochun, that sounds like something Yunho would say.  :o  Hm...what kind of 'mom' would I be?  Hopefully a good one. 

43. What’s something you have to do without fail every day?
YH: Celebrate
CM: Game
JJ: Half- bathing
YC: Watch [Detective Conan]
JS: Talk to my brother on the phone
Me: Yoochun, you're such an anime nerd!  XD  I don't know...internet surf?

44. If you could turn back time, where do you want to go back to?
YH: High school
CM: High School
JJ: Middle school
YC: Elementary school
JS: I don’t want to turn back time. The present is good!
Me: I'm with Jaejoong on this.  Middle school was the best!

45. What do you want to happen tomorrow?
YH: That our schedules will be cancelled and we’ll have a break
CM: That I’ll quickly recover from my cold
JJ: Win the lottery
YC: I want it to snow
JS: Turn invisible!
Me: Gosh, you guys are so selfish!  XD  *members glare at me once again*  But I shall try to get at least your schedules cancelled, and I do hear it's gonna snow.  I bought some medicine for you, Changmin.  Hopefully these lottery tickets have winning numbers on them, Jaejoong.  And Junsu...I can't help you turn invisible.  :o

46. What will you be doing 10 years from now?
YH: Continue making music
CM: Continue making music and preparing for my wedding
JJ: Together with THSK
YC: The same thing as I’m doing now
JS: Singing on stage
Me:  I really like your answers guys.  And Jaejoong...I'm sure that is what every fan wants too.  :')  Now... *turns to Changmin* I'm ready whenever you are.  ^///^

47. What kind of year will 2009 be?
YH: A year where we’ll have lots of things to smile about
CM: A year where we’ll be able to carry out our activities without falling sick
JJ: A year busier than 2008
YC: The best year
JS: A year where we’ll all be healthy!
Me: I hope it'll be a good year for you all too (even though it didn't turn out that way towards the middle of it). 

48. If you became the editor of [What’s In?]
YH: Only report about THSK!
CM: THSK’s tour around the world
JJ: Half of the magazine will be THSK
YC: Have a barbeque with all the staff and artistes!
JS: Have a [Globe-trotting with THSK] corner
Me: Well, at least Yoochun thought about others.  XD  Well, I wouldn't mind more stuff on TVXQ either. 

49. A message to our readers
YH: Please support us in 2009 too
CM: Good luck!
JJ: To the readers, I’m always grateful to you
YC: Take care of yourself, don’t catch a cold!
JS: Thank you for always reading this magazine
Me: I hope you had fun reading my answers along with theirs...even if it was pure fiction. 

50. A message to [What’s In]
YH: Thank you [What’s In] for always reporting on THSK from the very first time we arrived in Japan till today
CM: Please take care of us in future!
JJ: Although I feel like we’re indebted to [What’s In] since our debut days, please help us in future!! We’ll work hard
YC: Please take care of us in future. The cover too.
JS: Amongst all the magazines in Japan, [What’s In] was the first that ran a series on us. I was really happy.  Please help us in future
Me: I hope you're still taking care of all the members~!  >:D

Translated by: Sparkskey
Credits to: DNBN

*translated from Korean, so if there are anu mistakes, please point them out (: *
permission given to fangirlmitz and iTVXQ. translation to other languages allowed

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