October 4, 2011

TVXQ's What's In Feb 09 - 50 Questions...With A Twist! Part IV

31. When do you feel lonely?
YH: Before I sleep
CM: Before I sleep
JJ: When I’m separated from my members
YC: When we’re on the move after our schedule ends
JS: I don’t really feel it
Me: Oh, Junsu....we know you feel it sometimes.  But if you all feel lonely, you can always talk to me.  *members kind of shift uncomfortably in their seats*

32. The theme song for today is?
YH: [Kiss shitamama sayonara]
CM: [Killing Me Softly]
JJ: [Wasurenaide] (T/N: Please don’t forget)
YC: [Kiss the Baby Sky]
JS: [I Believe I can Fly]
Me: Hm, I'll go with *looks through ipod and goes with first song on list* 'LIPS' by KAT-TUN.  >:D

33. The first time you travelled overseas?
YH: Taiwan (T/N: That would be 2004 for the Golden Melody Awards, I think)
CM: Taiwan
JJ: Taiwan in summer 2004
YC: 1998, America
JS: Taiwan
Me: Hm...I see.  Mine would be Japan.

34. What do you collect?
YH: Card keys (T/N: Hotel card keys?)
JJ: Accessories
YC: Plastic models from [Gundam Seed]
JS: Beautiful pictures from around the world
Me: I collect manga every now and then.  But now...I collect pics of Changmin.  >:D  *Changmin flinches a little in his seat*  OMG!!!  High-five, Yoochun for collecting Gundam models!

35. Who’s the person you want to meet most now?
YH: Obama
CM: Obama
JJ: Monkey King (T/N: Character from [Journey to the West], Sun Wu Kong, or Son Oh Kong in Korean)
YC: Santa Claus
JS: Jesus
Me: Ok, I love Junsu's answer and then Yunho and Changmin's answer.  ^^  I'd like to meet....you guys in real life.  :( 

36. Which animal do you think you resemble?
YH: Tiger
CM: Deer
JJ: Cat
YC: Polar bear
JS: Hyena
Me: ...How do you resemble these animals?  o.O  Especially you, Yoochun!  I hear polar bears will track you down for miles and kill you.  Would you do that?  *Yoochun looks at me with a "Why are you getting all hyped up?" face*  Anyway, I'd be more like a mouse.

37. Truthfully, what’s your fetish?
YH: Voice
CM: Feeling
YC: Pretty nails. Not really magnificent things..
JJ: Forehead
JS: Hands
Me: Mhm... *writes down their answers*

38. What do you buy unintentionally at convenience stores?
YH: Milk
CM: Hot lemon juice
JJ: Health drinks
YC: Donuts
JS: Fried chicken
Me: I think I'll have to go to the store with Yunho and Yoochun more often.  >:3  I want snacks!

39. Where do you start washing your body from in the bathroom?
YH: Hair
CM: Face
JJ: Chest
YC: Right arm
JS: Hair
Me: Very interesting.  I don't know why they'd ask you this, but interesting indeed. 

40. When were you most embarrassed?
YH: When many people saw me fall
CM: When I fell in front of many people
JJ: During my audition
YC: When I fell in front of people
JS: When I was in 1st grade of elementary school, I went with my mum to the ladies section of the public bath and saw my female classmate…
Me: Lol!  I'd have loved to see you fall!  *members glare at me once again*  Hm...I ran into a glass door at school...twice...in a month.  *members laugh out loud*

Translated by: Sparkskey
Credits to: DNBN

*translated from Korean, so if there are anu mistakes, please point them out (: *
permission given to fangirlmitz and iTVXQ. translation to other languages allowed

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