July 6, 2012

Once Again, Korea...

First of all, I don't claim for any of this to be factual, just straight up opinions.  It just feels that time and time again, I'm noticing that Korea gets slammed for being racist more frequently.  The most recent thing being when a group called B2ST (Beast) was in New York filming for a music video.  They put up a last-minute ad asking for only Caucasian models.  Unfortunately, that was a really wrong move on their part.  But I wouldn't blame the group itself.  The director of the music video should be the one to blame.  I read comments stating things like: "Why does this group even have fans" and "This is why I don't like Kpop.  It's racist".  I'm probably on the wrong side about this and I will admit that how some Koreans are about other races is really wrong, but I do feel bad that Korea gets called out on this more and more often now.  There are other countries that do this as well I'm sure.  Dare I say that Jpop may have a similar problem?   Because all I see in majority of their music videos whenever they need a foreigner are Caucasians as well.  Would you not think that they may be doing the same thing that Kpop may do?  The only difference is that Jpop may be more discreet with it, but I'm sure they had problems in the past as well. 

I will admit to this: there are times where I do sit and wonder how my biases would view me and such (especially Changmin or Junnosuke) because I am of a dark complexion.  .__.  But despite all wonky things Korea throws out there, I still enjoy the things I see from that country.  I'm not going to let these things deterr me from listening to Kpop or wanting to visit that country, and I don't think it should let others as well.  I feel the same way for Japan too.  If anything, it's like I always say:  Korea is now beginning to become noticed by the world more and more, and all this attention (i.e.- more tourists) is something they have to adjust to.  Not only that, I think it would be best if the idea of having pale or lighter skin as the "ideal" skin-type just disappears.

All in all, I do want Korea to be more mindful of what they're saying and doing now that they've got an international audience, but at the same time wouldn't it be best to guide them in how to deal with it rather than choke-slam them?  :/ 

Maybe I'm just too chill about this.  Anyway, peace out.