June 27, 2011

Views vs. Comments

So today I post about a few things that have been on my mind.  One of them is my viewing count on my blog.  I am glad that many people are veiwing it, but I'm not getting many comments.  Most of my comments come from my good friend, YunhoFan, over at DBSKALWAYS and a few from Cha who runs the site JYJ Fantalk (a site that does support all five members).  I really appreciate them for commenting.  You ladies rock~!  >_<  However, I am wondering why other people aren't commenting.  Then I thought about it...whenever people look for pics online--let's say, Google--some of the pics on my blog come up.  All they do is just click the pick to look at it without really looking at my blog or reading my posts.  Is that it?  :(  So it makes me wonder what I can do to gain people's interests so they can actually COMMENT on my stuff.  Should I not use any pictures?  Should I write about different stuff?  I am aware that my site is generally towards Asian pop...more like Kpop...mainly TVXQ/JYJ stuff...Changmin.  Ok, you get my point.  I just would like to know (from the people who actually come to read my posts) what you'd like to see here.  And hopefully, I will be able to write an interesting post on that said subject.   

Well, that is pretty much it for this post.  Short, huh?  Until next time~! 

June 20, 2011

Spazzing Moment With Changmin: InStyle Magazine in Hawaii

When I heard that he was going to be doing a photoshoot in Hawaii, I was really psyched to see the photos.  Finally, they have been officially published!  AND HE IS SO FREAKN' GOOD LOOKING!!!  It made me wish that I was there.  :(  So join me as I bite my lower lip over these pictures, trying to keep myself from going into 'pervert mode'.  But it's Changmin, so that'll be difficult.    

I really <3 this picture!  His smile is way too adorable!

If I saw him walking down the street, I don't know if I'd keep my fangirl side in check.  I'd want to follow him everywhere!  >_<

If I was really biting my lower lip, it'd probably be bleeding right now.  I want him so badly...  :( 

More pics under linebreak

Spazz Moment With Changmin: Shilla Duty Free Pics

WAH~!  I'm so excited with all the pics of Changmin that have come out!  The first ones I'll spazz about are the Shilla Duty Free ones.  XD

Omo, is that a box with a ring inside?  Do you plan on proposing?  O__O  If he came to my door with this in hand, I'd be his in a heartbeat.  =^o^=

AND THERE'S CUPCAKES INVOLVED TOO?!!  Haha, a sweetheart serving cupcakes will surely give me diabetes.  XD 

There are more pics which I have placed underneath the line break. 

June 16, 2011

The Air Has Been Cleared...Somewhat

For the past few days, my fandom has been fighting with each other.  This is pretty much the norm these days anyway what with the lawsuit and our members split into two seperate groups.  But this time it involves just fans of JYJ and maybe a handful of fans that still support the five.  The issue was about Telisha Shaw's sudden plunge into the Kpop world with her song, "Our Secret".  I had posted about this a day or two ago with my feelings.  Truth be told, I was a bit jealous too so I'm not going to lie about that.  But it was made worse when fans who 'mocked' jealous fans (which I felt would probably make the situation a little more worse than it was).  It got to me so much one day that I was like @_@ and ready for this thing to be over with.  Then...I read via Twitter that Telisha was going to be the guest of the internet radio show, Asian Pop Addict (they are really funny ladies by the way).  I listened to majority of her interview, and she explained what the song meant and she apologized if fans took it the wrong way.  From what I gather, it is about a girl (any fan) and their 'secret relationship' with a member if given the chance to date him.  It's just that it's in her perspective, I suppose.  Much like the fanfics we write, and my own thoughts of how it'd be if I actually dated Changmin.  ^^;;    She is quite nice...and bubbly.  :3  She even said that Junsu knows about this issue and they kinda laughed at how people actually thought they were a couple.  Though she did say it might be kinda nice date him...or T.O.P. (but that was a joke, so don't get tangled up in it, VIPers).  So, I sent her a few tweets expressing how I was sorry for jumping to conclusions and how difficult it is to be a fan who is totally in love with a celebrity that is not even American.  Hopefully some fans will also apologize to her and let this issue die in peace.  I feel that it is good when someone comes out and says things about the issue.  And truth be told...I think I'd believe her more than I would if Junsu had come out and said something.  >_<  Mianhe, Junsu~!  Her words sounded so sincere...I just hope that I'm right about it.  ^^;;  However, I am still a bit jealous that even though she is a fan like us, she is able to get that close to any member and stuff.

I guess it's more of like an "I told you so" for fans that thought nothing of this, but what are you gonna do?  I still think that jealousy is a natural thing if you really, REALLY like someone and you feel like they're being taken.  We just all need to work on it is all.  It may be easier for some to get over it quickly, but it takes a bit longer for others (i.e.-me when I hear 'Changmin' and 'girlfriend' or 'gettin' some' in the same sentence).  My mom still thinks I'm obsessed, but I still think I'm not too much....though I oftentimes do think I may cross the line or that I have this insane view on romance and relationships.  I think it was easier back then for fans of the past because they weren't saturated with their celeb.  YouTube wasn't invented...heck internet was just becoming popular.  But the fans of today who were also able to get over it probably already had a boyfriend before and such--at least that is what I think.  Not to mention that most of the fans who did call Telisha out were probably either younger girls or (as Telisha would put it) "just now tuning into her" and what she is about. 

So, for now I hope this will place Cassies back into a lull of peace for a while.  Until next time, peace out~!

Fanfic: A Fan's Gift

I shall share with you all a story I did up in my Creative Writing class.  Since I have an adoration for TVXQ member, Shim Changmin I decied to write a story about what might happen if I did come across him.  I had also posted this on the fanfiction site known as Winglin.  Please tell me what you think.  :D 

Title: A Fan's Gift
Type: Oneshot
Rating: G

‘There are many things in life that I always wish I could attain. One for example is to become a well known comic artist. Another is to travel to Japan and South Korea. But one of my biggest wishes right now is to meet one of Asia’s best male vocal groups: Dong Bang Shin Ki. You see, I’ve been a fan for a good while; however, the closest I’ve gotten to them has been through watching stuff about them on YouTube. Dong Bang Shin Ki, also known as TVXQ or Tohoshinki, is a Korean male vocal group that is made up of five very talented members. They’ve topped charts in many Asian nations and are said to have the largest fan club in the world. It has been my dream to meet them…especially one member in particular. His name is Shim Changmin and he…’

“Look! It’s them!” a girl shouted. Before I knew it all the girls around me started screaming; thus forcing me out of my thoughts. I was pushed forward as the girls from the back wanted to get a closer view of the people coming through the terminal gate. The bodyguards were ready for any girl that tried to slip under the aisle separators. I looked up just in time to see only the tops of the heads of two members of the group I’ve been thinking about walk swiftly down the aisle. The screams of the fan girls became louder as the last three members and their staff rushed by. The time elapsed was about two minutes and before I knew it, it was over. I had seen this scenario so many times on the internet, but this is the first time I’ve actually experienced it. This may have been nothing like the Gimpo Airport in South Korea (their crowds are HUGE) but it was still quite crazy. Clutching my art portfolio, I turned to my sister. “Well, that was exciting!” My sister nodded as a response. The crowd of girls began to move to the front of the LAX airport to catch another glimpse of TVXQ again.

“I guess we should head back to the hotel now,” I sighed. We hailed a cab and told him the directions needed. While riding, my sister turned to me.

“So, did you get to see him, Maddie?” she smirked.

“No. There were too many girls in the way. Did you get to see your favorite?” My sister shook her head.

“Well, maybe we’ll get to see them at the Korean Music Festival tomorrow?”

“Maybe.” I looked down at my portfolio again. Maybe then I could give them my gift.

June 11, 2011

I Think I Need A Break...

There seems to be once again a lull in my fangirling for TVXQ.  I haven't been this...fizzled since back in November of last year.  I eventually got over that when I came to know some really great fans that support the five.  :)  However, just last week, something happened within the JYJ side of the TVXQ fandom that set off ripples.  One of the dancers, Telisha, released her first single for the Kpop industry titled "Our Secret".  Not only that, but she did it under the name 'Telisu'.  So, I heard the song, and instantly thought:  "Oh dear...why does it sound like it's about Junsu?"  =.=;;  Don't get me wrong, she is really nice (heck, she responded to me a few times on Twitter), but my thoughts come because she seems to favor Junsu very much.  But then again, they could be about someone else that she works with.  Anyway, fans--ESPECIALLY Junsu-biased fans--got really upset.  On the other hand, there are some that actually wouldn't mind the coupling.  In fact, I think I wrote an entry about this before.

I am somewhere in the middle I suppose.  I can understand the jealousy that the fans may feel because if it were Changmin, I know I'd be jealous too.  In fact, it is suprising that I'm making a big deal about this because Junsu isn't even my bias!  >_<  But when it gets to the point of fans sending her threatening things, then it's not so good anymore.  Then there are times when I wouldn't mind it because it tells me that they're into girls with a little more color.  Not to mention that it's much easier for any staff member, other celeb, or whatnot to be closer to them than just a lowly fan like me, so why do I even bother?  :(  However, I find it a bit aggrivating that the fans who don't mind it say for others to grow up.  I know that he is in his 20's and such and can do whatever he wants, but I am also in my 20s.  I know that's not very relavent, but yeah.  I also find it a bit upsetting when they'd say "Lol, I bet he's getting some from her" or something like that.  I know that they may not be virgins anymore, but it's still rather harsh to bring up such things...especially in the case of Changmin with me.  :/  You see, my view on this is that I'd be happy for them to date, but at the same time I can't help but feel sad/jealous that it's not me.  But I guess that not ever having any relationship with a boy has turned me into the way I am now.  And since I see these guys not only a celebrities, but also as any other man I'd want to date, it may be a problem.   So, in  a sense, I am pretty much aggrivated with both fans who take their jealousy too far and fans who say to grow up (which constantly keeps the issue around).  And whenever I see or hear about anything related to this (i.e.- pics, fanfics, and comments regarding whatever stance they have on this) I get slightly annoyed/fizzled.  For that, I apologize. 

Sometimes I think that the whole lawsuit is taking it's toll on fans.  It's been almost 2 years since it began.  Any little thing about any member can set off a fan.  I think that is true for me as well.  Maybe I'm so wrapped up in this.  It seems to be causing friction with my sister (who seems become less interested in TVXQ as time passes).  In fact, I think maybe a few are becoming less interested.  In my personal opinion, I miss the year 2007.  I was fresh with Kpop and things were very peaceful.  I had lots of people to spazz with and it was all fun.  As a fan at that time, I think I was really good.  And Kpop didn't seem so...blah.

This is why I may need a break.  I know that I'm not going to hold up to it though, but if I can get a job I hope that it will at least help to keep me from being on the computer too much.  In the end, I'm trying to decipher what kind of fan I am at this point...though I know it looks pretty obvious.  But I really beg to differ.  I may be very crazy-obsessed, but when it comes to the types of issues I explained above...I may complain and cry and whatnot, but I don't think I'd threaten or anything.  Just stadning idly by and being upset for a couple of days at the lucky girl may be enough.  Ah...such is the hopeless romantic...

There are times when I just feel like abandoning Kpop altogether, but I never want to leave TVXQ/JYJ (as well as other formadible groups) behind since they're like some sort of big interest of mine.  If I can rekindle my 2007 fangirl self, that would be very good.  I know that these issues will bug me for a little while longer, but eventually will dissolve (hopefully).  For now, I shall probably stick around with Changmin stuff for a while.  ^^;;  Until next time, peace out.