January 20, 2012

What A Bumpy Road Life Can Be

So, the SOPA/PIPA bill didn't pass.  I guess that's okay.  It was rough trying to put out your side of the argument when so many saw it so differently.  It kinda reminded me of the episode of 'The Boondocks' where "R. Kelly" was on trial, and Huey's response to the whole thing (check out that episode one day).  Maybe it was because they probably saw more negative than positive?  Did they even think about what good there may be in the bill?  The whole thing was just really frustrating.  Not so much the bill itself, but the actions of people towards another when it came to speaking their mind.  I know I said that I was for and against the bill, but I seemed to try and express the positive sides in the bill more than anything.  ^^;;  But people said that this bill would lead to more censorship of the internet.  One person even said that we'd probably lose Amazon and YesAsia.  I found that kinda weird since those are sites where you actually buy stuff.  However, could our government be that crazy to censor everything?  I really don't think it'd come to that.  Then again, I guess I don't think that far into the future because it's always changing.  I'm not sure what an alternative could be for getting rid of pirated sites, keeping with the copyright rules and keeping our rights intact (since that is what people were complaining about).  But if anyone knows a good way, let the government know rather than retaliating in a wrong way.  I know that this is quite outrageous of me, but shouldn't we have at least a little faith in the government?  I mean, what if I became a Congresswoman?  Would I automatically become a bad person?  I know that there are some bad people in office, but there are some in the public too, right?  It really is hard to try and meet everyone's needs.

In the end, the internet is alright.  If anything, this whole debocle has made me think of how much time I actually do spend on the internet.  This should also be a little of a lesson to ones who dowload alot of stuff.  Try and cool it.  And try to buy the stuff too.  Remember, if I were a manga-ka and you were reading my stuff online but not buying it, I'd be a little upset.  ^^;;  Also, wouldn't it be wise to step out a little?  I remember whenever fans and netizens get all fussy, others would tell them to get off the internet and get some fresh air.  I think that is what we all need from time to time.  Maybe we've forgotten what it is like without hours and hours of internet activity.  Eh...this was quite a situation to begin the year.  Politics--as well as religion--never make anyone really happy when you converse about them.  But life moves on, you know?  Peace~!             


  1. I'm sorry you had a hard time of it :(

    I feel like people should be critical of the government, but if people hate it indiscriminately, perhaps the genuine & important criticism won't be as clear!

    The idea of them censoring amazon and stuff sounds really weird to me too. That would just be nonsensical??

    I don't know - the idea of surveillance is scary. I guess what I'd really want is to be able to see into the future to be able to tell what effect the bill would have xD. I'm having a hard time balancing the idea of possibly destroying the good & important things about the internet like democracy, protests, sharing culture, and yet protecting people from the bad parts of the internet.

    Yeah, peace ^^~
    I think you'd be a great Congresswoman..
    the more good people in the government, the better.

  2. This is one of those 'double-edged sword' type of things. I just hope they can figure out a way to make it work for everyone. :3 Ahaha...you think I'd make a good Congresswoman? ^^;; Thank you~!
