July 28, 2013

Junnosuke's Duet Interview...With A Twist!

This is an interview that Junnosuke did back in 2008.  I figured I'd give my hand at doing one for him since I've done quite a few for Changmin.  ^^;;  Credit for the translation (as well as the original posting) of the interview goes to seishun_banzai on livejournal.  Let's get started!  This time, Junnosuke's responses will be in green and mine will be in purple

Q1 I’m masculine
Yes - 73%
No - 27%

When I’m with male friends I’ll state my own opinions clearly so I think I’m pretty masculine. When I’m working, I’ll sense the mood so I’m masculine. It’s often said that I can’t sense the mood but I’m only acting (laughs). But I want to become more masculine so I can’t say 100%.  Well, you're quite the actor, huh?  You shouldn't be fooling people like that.  Wait...does that mean you've been fooling me too?  Saying that you like me and such?  XD  *Junnosuke glares at me* 

Q2 There are times when I’m self-centered
Yes - 61%
No - 39%
I’m often told by my friends that I’m self-centered and I want to fix this. For example I’ll go out and buy enough candy for myself only... First of all, I have to act after considering things from the other person’s perspective. I want to live a life that doesn’t cause unpleasantness for anyone.  So that explains why you keep throwing daggers through your eyes when I want some candy... 

Q3 I’m surprisingly stingy
Yes - 0%
No - 100%
I’m totally not stingy. When it’s necessary, I’ll pay. If I go out for a meal with a girl, I definitely want to pay for all of it. I can’t imagine going dutch with a girl. I don’t want to cause a fuss so ’ll say “You get the next one” or something, but I won’t let her pay. 
That is very sweet of you~!  Does this mean I can order this and this and this?  *pointing to various items on a menu*

Q4 I’m nice towards everyone
Yes - 30%
No - 70%
People often say “You’re so nice” but there’s no way it’s with everyone. If you’re nice towards everyone it’s like you’re hiding your true self, right? You’d be the same as a scarecrow. Your own emotions change depending on the other person’s behavior so it’s natural and reveals your attitude
Uh oh...I wouldn't want to see Junno-kun's not-so-nice side!  But who you callin' a scarecrow...?  >:/

Q5 Even I think “I’m meticulous”
Yes - 50%
No - 50%

I don’t have that kind of neurotic personality but I’m meticulous if it’s about something concerning me. I think it’s because when you grow up, self-responsibility is really important, so I want to do the things within reach accurately. I think the members of KAT-TUN tend to have a strong consciousness of that kind of thing as well.  If meticulous is like being a perfectionist, I'd have to say I'm also half and half.  Unlike someone else I know who's all about perfection...  *looking Changmin's way*

Q6 I soon lose interest in anything
Yes - 50%
No - 50%
In regards to managing my life, there are a lot of things I don’t continue. For example, drinking yoghurt every morning without fail or keeping a household account book. Even though I often talked about it in magazine interviews, I totally stopped doing both. It’s like: “I’m sorry, readers.”  I hope you haven't lost interest in me...  :x  *Junnosuke bursts out laughing*  What? 

Q7 I’m always positive
Yes - 100%
No - 0%
If I’m positive, nothing else is left! I think I was born with this personality. If I’m stressed, then can’t handle it at all. Because I don’t really get worried, I can take part in giving advice to people so I think it’s good to be troubled on occasion. 
And this is why he's my positive ray of sunshine!  But I'm sure even you have your down days.

Q8 I’m serious
Yes - 70%
No - 30%
I’m essentially serious but when it’s ok to take it easy, I’m the type to relax as much as I want. Variety is important. Nevertheless, although your body is “working capital”, if you go out late at night or something and have that kind of irregular lifestyle I wouldn’t like that. I want my future to be connected and it has to be in better order. 
Why so serious?  Ahaha~  I couldn't resist.  XD  But it's good to hear that you've got a serious streak to you. 

Q9 I have an indecisive side
Yes - 80%
No - 20%
For example, if I buy clothes or do something for myself, I can decide quickly, but when I go out for a meal or am together with someone then I become indecisive. I end up only thinking about the other person. If I continue to do this, I feel I’ll lose myself so I’d like to fix this.  Well, that explains the last time we hung out.  Nothing was accomplished because we couldn't decide what to do.  ^^ 

Q10 I’m skilled at love
Yes - 0%
No - 100%
I really pay attention to the needs of girls I like. That’s why, when I want to decide at once, I’ll make a mistake. I’m really not popular with girls. But it’s not like I want to be popular. As long as I have a fan just cheering me on is a huge satisfaction. ‘Coz I’m an idol! (laughs)  'Not really popular with girls'?  Are you kidding me?  So says the man who had thousands of ladies screaming for him in  Thailand.  >__> 

Well, that is all for this.  XD  I hope you all enjoyed it--even though I don't think it was as comical as the ones I've previously done.  Until next time~! 


  1. This is so awesome! As always, I love these 'couple interviews.' I think I learned something about both of you ~ ! O/ ~ YF

    1. Thank you, YF! ^o^ I really enjoy doing these. It's a bit difficult to work with on Junnosuke's though because some of the interveiws are in a different format than the ones I usually do for Changmin's. But I'll still be looking for more to do for both of them or for both KAT-TUN and TVXQ. Ah, you did? Suprising, right? XD
