October 5, 2013

The Beauty of New Mexico

Greetings, fellow readers!  Today, I shall tell you about my interesting moments in the state of New Mexico.  :D  I've been there twice now, and it's really different from where I live right now.  But it's also really cool.  The climate is drier than here, which is great because you don't feel like you're sweltering.  I've visited lots of cool places while in New Mexico as well!  Note: Pictures in links as well as the one below are not mine. 

White Sands
I visited this place on my first trip to New Mexico.  This area is a national monument and is quite a huge area in my opinion.  And it's really white!  XD  While visiting, you can rent out some disks to sit on and slide down the dunes.  That is really fun, but it's tiring walking up the dunes just to slide down them.  Oh, and when I was leaving, I saw a camel there as well. 

Organ Mountains
Next to the place I was staying in is the Organ Mountain range.  It's been a long time since I've seen mountains, so I was really suprised the first time I saw them.  They looked like they were photoshopped into the area.  ^^  And when clouds were going over them, it made them look really creepy.
Just a good drive away is the famous town of Roswell.  I didn't think I'd be able to see this town with my own eyes.  XD  But everywhere was alot of alien memorabilia.  I visited a museum about the alien crash site back in the 1940s and all the conspiracies that followed.  It was pretty fun. 
I also went to a casion/resort that was in the mountains.  The ride was fairly long, but looking at the scenery change from arid desert to green mountains was really interesting.  Never had I thought that New Mexico is as green as I had previously thought!  On my way there, I rode past a reservation for the Mescalero Apache Indians.  And it was my first time seeing tipis!  ^o^
The main reason for my second trip to New Mexico was for Billy the Kid who was a famous outlaw that traveled in New Mexico alot.  I visited the area he was caught in, the area he was tried in (called Mesilla), and the place he is now buried (Fort Sumner).  It's rather ironic because there is a cage around his (and his buddies) grave.  It's like they ultimately ended up in the place they tried to avoid--jail. 
As an added bonus, I went to a pistachio shop and actually saw hot air balloons floating in the sky!  New Mexico is known for flying them, and it was also another first for me to see them.  Also, the pistachio shop has a statue that is the world's largest pistachio.  ^^  I've been to it once before, and let me tell you...the licorice is amazing!  Nothing like Twizzlers.  *o*
New Mexico was a really nice place to visit on both accounts, and if I ever get the chance to go back again, I just might.  I also recommend you all to visit this state as well.  By the way, the main question that you might get asked is "Green or red?"  ^^ 

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