November 11, 2010

JYJ's Visas Deny Them Performance in the U.S.

While doing my usual routine of scouting out info from other blogs, I came across an article at the Sharing Yoochun blog.  It talked about JYJ, so I had to take a look.  Apparently, their visas had denied them the right to perform here in the U.S.  WTF?!  They say it is because they haven't been a group long enough to do anything like this. 

So, in order to keep their promise to the fans, JYJ has decided to perform...but they will pay for pretty much EVERYTHING out of their own pocket.  Now if that ain't dedication to the fans, I don 't know what is.  There will be a refund for all the tickets that have been bought as well.  And I believe that all the venues in the U.S. portion of the tour are free.  Yes, F-R-E-E.  Now I really wish I could go!  I hope that fans will be grateful enough to use their refunded money for a good cause in the name of JYJ since they are taking on this heavy burden.  

I take this as yet another bump in the road for our boys (actually, I should say men).  They've really had it hard since they walked out of S.M.  Let us continue to support them, as well as HoMin, as they continue on with their different paths.

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