October 14, 2012

Since It's October...

Uwah~!  I really love the autumn season!  It happens to be my favorite: the leaves changing colors, cooler temperatures (even though I'm always complaining about it), and the start of the holidays.  Out of the months that make up the fall season, I'd have to say that I have a liking for October.  Now, this month is well known for Halloween (and sometimes Friday 13th).  If you notice, alot of scary movies/video games tend to come out more often around October--at least that's what I'm seeing.  And today, I'm going to introduce to you another video game that fits with the festivities of Halloween.  It is...

credit: Wikipedia
This is the third installment in the series known as Project Zero.  If you recall, I did a post on the second one which I tend to play alot more out of the three.  Like the second one, Fatal Frame III is rated 'M' for blood and extremely scary moments.  Shall I give you a synopsis?  ^o^  It starts out with a woman named Rei regaining consciousness close to a ditch where her car had crashed into.  She looks down into the ditch to see her dead boyfriend (Yu) in the car.  Over the next few weeks she is really depressed, but she has to keep working.  By the way......she's a photographer.  Her assisstant is Miku--who is the main character for the first Fatal Frame--and while in an abandoned house that supposedly was haunted, Rei happens to see a man turn a corner.  He looks like her deceased boyfriend, so she follows him.  This leads her to her initial entrance into the Manor of Sleep.  Why is it called that?  You'll have to find out.  The bulk of the game is played in this place, and the only way to enter is through her recurring nightmares of the place.  Ghosts are once again the enemy, but this time it's not just in the Manor of Sleep that you'll see them...they'll be in her house too.  o___o  Once again the camera is your only source of defense.  The original ending is quite saddening...that is all I can say.  :(  Overall, if you wanna get a couple of friends together on Halloween and have a good scare, 'Fatal Frame III: The Tormented' is the way to go~!    


  1. Ah...this is the game you 'warned' us about as being super-scary, right? Ehi - ! It IS scary!!! But it sounds like a lot of fun too. I want to try - ! But, as you know, I don't have a PS2/CRIES.

    I love autumn too - October especially. Even though the weather's been crazy lately and there's even been a bit of snow (!) October is always golden in my mind. ^___^

    1. Yup! In fact, any of the Fatal Frame games are super scary, especially for first-time players. Aw, man! If only you had a PS2 to play them. :/ Well, the 4th one and a remake of the 2nd one is on the Wii if you have one of those.

      Sweet! Another autumn-lover! ^o^ I'd have to say October is my favorite month as well. Omo, it's snowing already? Hopefully not too much though. I guess seeing the changing of the leaves came early for you then? :o
