April 15, 2011

AADBSK3 Makes Me Think: "Why Did It Happen to Them"?

Hooray!  I finally got a dvd boxset of TVXQ!  Which one is it?  AADBSK3~!  I am very greatful for a friend who has so graciously bought it for me.  For the past two days, my sister and I have been watching all the disks.  We managed to finish it within those two days, and now we're watching it again.  ^.^ 

Today, my post talks about some of the things that they've said on the dvds.  It is really interesting.  After watching the "Couple Talks" and listening to their answers, it made me think...were their answers premonitions of things to come?  Right now, I can't think of some direct quotes that the members said.  But I know that  most of the things they were saying things like they hoped that the team would last long and that they knew each other so well.  Certain parts that I can remember was their interactions during the "Saipan Story" and their "Making of..." videos.  It was a walk down memory lane watching them in the making of their "Vacation" mini dramas.  I do remember (just now) one particular scene in the "Couple Talk" of the HoSu couple where Yunho and Junsu were talking about how all the members were now becoming quite concerned on the future of TVXQ.  They said that it wasn't a big thing to worry about before, but as the years progressed, they began to talk about it more and more.  But as I watched these videos, it made me think:  "Man...I rea~lly hope they come back together.  It makes me sad how they had to break up like this."  :(  It's like that feeling where you don't know how much you miss it until it's gone.  All in all, I am really glad that I have this dvd boxset, and I'll treasure it forever because it is a section in time that was really special. 

Now onto the second part of my post...

I'm sure most Cassies nowadays are aware that the members are suffering.  But with what I have read about Jaejoong and Yunho recently, I'm still quite concerned.  In a recent interview that Jaejoong has had, he says that he cures his lonliness with music and other activities.  Yunho seems to have become more messy.  It's like he's lost in  a fog.  I'm sure all members had a really hard time since the beginning of this whole fiasco.  And for a while, I thought that they were okay in the months that followed.  But the recent interviews (especially Jaejoong's) just made me really sad to hear how they are feeling.  However, I have a thought on Yunho's thoughts on the seperation.  I know that he wants to keep the TVXQ name alive, and that is why he probably stayed with SM.  But I think that if the two could have left with the other three, they'd still do well outside of SM...even if it meant leaving the name behind.  Now, I know some fans will disagree with me on this, and say that "Even if they left, where would they go?  SM was the best."  I'd have to disagree.  If we Cassies are continuously praising the members for their exceptional skill, then shouldn't they be able to do well in whatever entertainment label they're under?  Like I said before, yeah, SM brought them to where they are now...and they can praise SM for doing so (much like Hangeng did during a magazine interview after his lawsuit).  But I don't know if they should really continue under them anymore.  ^^;;  All I know is that it must be very tough, but I guess that this is how it goes when artists grow.  But I really hope that things go for the better...and hopefully they'll come back together again.  Like I've said before:  if you ever think about wanting to become a celebrity (especially a Kpop celebrity), it would be best to think and rethink it over in your mind before you are ready. 

Well, that concludes my post for today.  I hope I made some sense.  I just wanted to give you all some food for thought...even though this subject has been debated over and over again.  But now I am starting to feel that TVXQ has been through so much that I think no other group has been through.


  1. I am really glad you got the "All About" - box set and that you and your sister are currently enjoying it! Because you told us that you had got it, I pulled mine out last night and watched some of it myself. Like you, I wonder whether there were any warning signs within their conversations of what was to come, and sometimes I believe I find them, while at other times I just don`t know - I don`t even know what to look for. How can something be so fulfilling and so sad at the same time? Sometimes I tell myself, it`s not that big a deal. But it is. I think that the whole issue of seperation and dealing with it is something that is so essetially human that we cannot help but engaging in it - I sometimes think we would be debating this even if we weren`t Dong Bang Shin Ki fans, because, like it or not, it`s a situation that we could actually find ourselves as in as well (although the circumstances would perhaps be a bit less extreme, LOL.) The fog observation is an interesting one (oh dear, here she comes with her bias again. xD) - I have heard that he`s always been messy, but if it is as you say, then it`s truly a cause of concern. I do hope, though, that although there is a lot of fog in their minds right now, that there are moments of clarity as well, a newfound independence perhaps? When I watched Yunho (yes, him again) with Taepoong I thought of how the look in his eyes seems more intense these days and his overall manner more convincing, although, I`m sure, he still has his moments of shyness (as do they all.) Hoping for their happiness and, if that is part of it, hoping for the five to reunite. Sorry for the long long reply - I seem to be the only one commenting here, I don`t blame you if you`re sick of it! ^^

  2. Hi, Myndless. Happy, Blessed Easter

    I certainly understand those only one or two posting situations, but, take heart, that doesn't necessarily mean that no one is reading or visiting your site.
    I have a counter that is visible only to me, and although I'm sure that I can't compete with some websites--I do get a good amount of traffic, enough to keep me posting and sharing with others. Everyone doesn't post--they just choose to read, much like a newsletter. That is why I occasionaly insert some world or local news just to give everyone a change of pace and something diversionary to think about. Then back to our talented men,and more freshness and appreciation for the sweet people in our lives (just like you) :).

    I'm glad to hear that you received your AADBSK3 boxed set. I've had mine for almost a year now, and I have watched it over and over and analyzed every little aspect of it, especially the couple talks. All I can say is our guys are either consummate actors, or, in the midst of all of the pain, they somehow managed to relate, laugh, and love despite it. I don't think it is a surprise that Jaejoong or Yunho have been through a lot of pain. That is a given.
    All of our guys have suffered, it's just that some are more open and vocal than others and some tend to show it more readily on their faces.
    They have told us many times, especially in the recent Jaejoong interview that the "fanily"(my new coined phrase)has been helping them through all of this. I am glad that we all have made a difference however small our input may be as individuals.

    My fervent prayer is for Jaejoong, Yunho, Yoochun, Junsu, and Changmin to be healthy, happy, whole and fulfilled either singly or together. Only they can know what this means, however, I hope that it involves opportunities in the future for musical and personal expression,love, marriage and family, and a reunion with dear friends.

    Myndless, I know that you have a keen interest in standing with all of us who love them dearly enough to continue to share them with each other and the world. Love, Cha

    P.S. I agree with you that if all five had left together that not only would they have done well, but I believe that they would have had more clout to fight SM.

    P.S.S. I'm also looking for a new job (better-paying anyway) ;) Please keep trusting and Keep Fighting!!
